June 1 International Children's Day

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Me and a partner went into a PVP battle, I am ranked 25000 and him 68000.  We won and the child defender was not unlocked.  Did we do something wrong?

snot nosed xxxx kids grow up to be the same gormless meat the adults are, turning the wheel of consumerism and industry completely ignorant to their life as corporate farm cattle until the day they die.  I suppose it makes sense to give them a holiday, after all if something makes you feel good and your education is designed to keep you ignorant, you’re less likely to question it.

But the real question is, is there any corporate value in a children’s day?  What kind of merchandising and events are there to make money off of?  I think gaijin has a good start here. Good work. Too bad the game’s population is less than two thousand, though. In all honesty I’m not sure why you keep this game going, it has to be running your company at a loss unless there are bigger whales here than I originally thought.


XD why don’t my parents know of this holiday?!?!? 

Me and a partner went into a PVP battle, I am ranked 25000 and him 68000.  We won and the child defender was not unlocked.  Did we do something wrong?

It’s still possible to get it. please contact our technical support, cz it should have unlocked.

Me and a partner went into a PVP battle, I am ranked 25000 and him 68000. We won and the child defender was not unlocked. Did we do something wrong?

you need to have 2000 points difference in pilot rating not learerbord rank