JPs dreams came true

You are an engineer? I hope to go down that path. Any tips?

You are an engineer? I hope to go down that path. Any tips?

There is a very good game that test logical skills required for engineering thinking or programmers (it tests your ability to create and thought out processes in a very similar way block diagrams/flow chart creation goes) “SpaceChem”, if you can complete that game on your own without tutorials and walk troughs, that means that you do have most important and basic skill required for engineering - ability to think “technically” and some what “thinking outside of the box on technical level”, the rest is just gaining knowledge and remembering stuff.

 I wish we had this game as supplement passing test for our applicants at my workplace, so many stupid people would not work on technical positions they do atm :facepalm:

There is a very good game that test logical skills required for engineering thinking or programmers (it tests your ability to create and thought out processes in a very similar way block diagrams/flow chart creation goes) “SpaceChem”, if you can complete that game on your own without tutorials and walk troughs, that means that you do have most important and basic skill required for engineering - ability to think “technically” and some what “thinking outside of the box on technical level”, the rest is just gaining knowledge and remembering stuff.

 I wish we had this game as supplement passing test for our applicants at my workplace, so many stupid people would not work on technical positions they do atm :facepalm:


Sounds awesome! 

In simple terms, Im a AutoCad Draftsman. Right now, im a tooling engineer for a company I work for that deals with thermo plastics. I handle all the technical drawings and make anything they need in a professional drawing. Mind you, Im only 21. 




When I was 21 I was just freshly out of my mandatory military service.



When I was 21 I was just freshly out of my mandatory military service.


Interesting to say the least. What country you live, in which they require military service? 

You are an engineer? I hope to go down that path. Any tips?


Hmm, well, your greatest enemy will be paying for college. Try to avoid personal loans, government loans are technically very good, but grants are much, much better. If you are still in high school, do whatever you need to to inflate your gpa [not for the colleges so much as merit-based scholarships] and, unfortunately, get good at writing for said scholarships. Talk to your counselor a lot - or anyone willing to point you at scholarships, and also research and find them on your own. Also, if you are poor like me, Pell Grants are nice, but you can’t count on them. The government figuratively chopped my legs off mid semester because they wanted to distribute more grants…

Now the other thing - do you really really want to be an engineer? You might say yes now, but you might also change your mind when you get into it. Depending on where you learn even, you may be going into it thinking that you are going to innovate, but suddenly you are forced to conform instead and are building some air purification system for India. Not that you won’t innovate later, but if you don’t actually have a passion for the smaller stuff… I personally got bored with all of my classes. I was a very good student even then, but I realized that I didn’t want to be calculating trajectories all day. Of course, I was also very paranoid about the idea that one miscalculation could go Challenger on some unwary astronauts. You have to ask yourself why you want to be an engineer. And if it has anything to do with science fiction, you might want to be a space physicist instead.

Oh, right, you have to be able to absorb math and math. If you can do math, you will be fine.

Yurka, I skipped traditional college as I did an online course right after high school (within a year, but took 6 months off to goof off) and got my diploma in “AutoCAD Drafting”. Note that the course was less then 1000 dollars. (thus I have no debt) and then about 2 months later, found my first job. That job lasted about 4 months ( I hate corporate) and then quickly found a new job in a different company. The current company really only needed a draftsman at first but then as I got good at it, I also did the machining work and actually build the things I design. You know you have only yourself to blame if you screw up your own design. 


My parents actually wanted me to go to a 4 year college. then I looked them into the eye and asked them to borrow 100,000 dollars right now, this instant, with no assurance that I will pay it back, and probably take me about 6 years to do so. After they stuttered a bit, I knew that this was not the right path to go. I dont want to be a society that believes that the only way to succeed is through a 4 year college. It does not guarantee success. You have to make it yourself. 


I proved to all my friends that knowing a trade is the best course of action. Besides, my friends were all attending college eating ramen, while I was working, getting a fat paycheck every week eating frikken olive garden. 




This shed a small tear from my eye. This is EXACTLY how you are supposed to eat a sweet roll

Im expecting to end up designing buildings or the like in china, they need the help. Did you see the report about the apartment building there that literally tipped off of its foundation?!?!?

Im expecting to end up designing buildings or the like in china, they need the help. Did you see the report about the apartment building there that literally tipped off of its foundation?!?!?


No i have not seen it. Something that duct tape could fix though. Lol. 

Im expecting to end up designing buildings or the like in china, they need the help. Did you see the report about the apartment building there that literally tipped off of its foundation?!?!?

Interesting. Any links? Could use this info myself.

Have to ask my dad for it

Yurka, I skipped traditional college as I did an online course right after high school (within a year, but took 6 months off to goof off) and got my diploma in “AutoCAD Drafting”. Note that the course was less then 1000 dollars. (thus I have no debt) and then about 2 months later, found my first job. That job lasted about 4 months ( I hate corporate) and then quickly found a new job in a different company. The current company really only needed a draftsman at first but then as I got good at it, I also did the machining work and actually build the things I design. You know you have only yourself to blame if you screw up your own design. 


My parents actually wanted me to go to a 4 year college. then I looked them into the eye and asked them to borrow 100,000 dollars right now, this instant, with no assurance that I will pay it back, and probably take me about 6 years to do so. After they stuttered a bit, I knew that this was not the right path to go. I dont want to be a society that believes that the only way to succeed is through a 4 year college. It does not guarantee success. You have to make it yourself. 


I proved to all my friends that knowing a trade is the best course of action. Besides, my friends were all attending college eating ramen, while I was working, getting a fat paycheck every week eating frikken olive garden. 


Ah, you did a… a… well it’d help if I could remember what they call that. But I do know what you are talking about. I figure at the end you get tested by a group separate from who taught you, then if you pass the 6 hours of testing [i’m really just basing that time off of the medical coding side] you get the diploma. That may be what I have to do soon, once I stabilize. But instead of my parents bullying me into going 4-year [which they slightly did], my school was the one to do it. Basically because I was their flagship student from their opening [it was a new school], they gave me ten thousand dollars - except they sent it immediately to the college :/. And I even warned them that it was nonsense, because it wasn’t like I’d have those thousands of dollars for next year’s classes. I think it’s idiotic that this system even exists the way it does. And c’mon, people with their Bachelor’s Degrees in x can still be idiots who are nonproficient in anything. And people who can adapt and absorb data and execute operations - but don’t have money - get shut down. We could be doing apprentice-type things right now and actually have people good at their jobs without the cost and the mess and the 4 years of playing video games and having to stay up late at night because someone will always set off that fire alarm at 1 AM anyhow. They simply made the system harder to do things for yourself.


Im expecting to end up designing buildings or the like in china, they need the help. Did you see the report about the apartment building there that literally tipped off of its foundation?!?!?


That’s typical for China. If it were anywhere else I’d figure it was a druglord laundering money by hiring ‘contractors’ to build ‘apartments’.

It hadn’t even been completed yet