Join the Prankster Gangsters Club today!

That’s right!Registrations starts today!In order to join the Prankster Gangsters Club you have to write down your in-game name and ill add you!


Now you might be wondering:“Why would I join this?”

Well,joining the Prankster Gangster Club will serve as a way of gathering the dankest players,uniting them in a squad to dominate across the battlefield!Or just to have a good time…And then you might say:“Well that’s what corporations are for…”

Well,not really,this is a Club not a Corp ,there is a difference,kinda like a alliance between corps in the form of a wing representing the best of the best!!


Anyways,there is a limited number of members that can be accepted and will be chosen out of the crowd!

There are 9 **spots left now!(the 12th is mine,of course)****                              **                           


Here are the members so far:







6.** Free**

7.** Free                                                       **

8.** Free**

9.** Free**

10.** Free**

11.** Free**

12.** Free**


                               JOIN TODAY!!!

I thought NASA was a collection of all the dankest players anyways?

Yeah,but not everyone can enter,plus,the cruel truth is that more than 80% of NASA are russians,it has something to do with the workforce and stuff…

Yeah,but not everyone can enter,plus,the cruel truth is that more than 80% of NASA are russians,it has something to do with the workforce and stuff…




Wait, so you are telling me the first man on the moon and all that stuffz, was actually Soviet engineers and astronauts? :open_mouth:



Want to join this or not?

I have no idea what it entails, but why not XD

Great!Well,I know your in-game name but it says your list is full,clear some of your old friends first,then we can start doing business…

I need a detailed description of all club activities and my involvement in them, as well as a list of proposed rewards for tasks that may be imposed.

After that, I’m in.

I need a detailed description of all club activities and my involvement in them, as well as a list of proposed rewards for tasks that may be imposed.

After that, I’m in.

Activities:We squad up to do Spec Ops,Tournaments maybe OS power-leveling,we can use ts to communicate easier

Rewards:The rewards from those gamemodes,GS,monos,lots of credits and maybe even some ship parts,and some quality time spent with the PG

GS. Tell me how GS

GS. Tell me how GS


Tourneys, I guess.

Indeed,ask milly,the last week’s tourney was pretty good,and this one was too…

Well I’m in. I’ll see ya in about an hour

Add me too :smiley:


I know my timezone sucks but sign me up.