Jerico. sigh

Am i the only one whos fed up with jerico missiles?


theres no escaping…


theyr too powerfull…


IR flares still dont do squat…

What are you flying and what weaponry is loaded in? Perhaps I can shed light on your issue.

As an interceptor you should be able to easily outmaneuver them if you utilize awareness (mouse scroll to scroll out may help).

As anything with fast ROF you can shoot them down, especially easy with lasers.

They also do thermal damage (and not a ton of it) you can utilize passive items like thermal insulator, thermal barrier. Again if you have specific issues with these weapons you can also select the ship of your race with the most thermal resistance in its tier. For active modules you can use things like adaptive armor and adaptive shields. Also things like shield booster should entirely negate the damage. Another tactic is when you see them fire utilize something to close distance (they wont know they’re being engaged til you fire)

Also flares apparently counter them, not sure exactly how yet.

The fact is though in most cases you can outmaneuver them ESPECIALLY if you’re near solid objects. In the case of freighters the damage isn’t significant enough and your modules should be setup in some way to recover from hits. Also I’m not sure how well thermal defense helps against something with such high burst damage (as opposed to more persistent damage), I never had issues with them.

Also missile spammer jerichos tend to not know how to defend themselves well so you can warp over and flank with a sniper forcing them to die or leave cover for your allies, you can also again engage at close range with smaller ships. Keep in mind these players will generally spend 16+ seconds just to utilize ONE missile that does 5.5k damage (assuming you have no thermal resistances). They are actually much less of a threat than Jericho frigates that actually actively engage you.

All that being said the main threat of the missiles is actually taking out drones and self defense (explode in face when being humped by interceptors) They’re not really meant to be used the way people are trying to use them as they’re not actually ideal for normal engagements. Also the explosion radius is 550m so just keep at about 600 when flanking them and you negate that defensive missile ability. Also not 100% sure but I think Pulsar will destroy missiles at 2x the blast radius of the missiles.

TBH the nerf was entirely uncalled for, the missile thing is more of a new player problem thing, I have been trying to get my teams to stop camping in the things, they really do lead to losses.

Am i the only one whos fed up with jerico missiles?


theres no escaping…


theyr too powerfull…


IR flares still dont do squat…


IR Flares block any movements and visuals of the missile camera for a few seconds and the missile flies straight for those few seconds, it is quite effective as it can force the missle to over shoot the target… I do think the effect could be increased by +1 second at least

Thank you.
nice with a reply frome a non troll :smiley:

After flying some and intentionally favoring the missiles to test out the change I have to say if you’re going to counter with flares you have to be aware of where the missile is. IE as mentioned it loses mobility and visibility for a couple seconds, you should be able to easily find a defensive point by then though be it hard cover or outmaneuvering. TBH I wouldn’t recommend flares as a counter over more conventional methods I listed above, they’re better used for actual guided missiles.

the recent change with ir flares affecting guided missile has made them much tougher to use.    so just drop flares when you sense that missile coming.

the recent change with ir flares affecting guided missile has made them much tougher to use.    so just drop flares when you sense that missile coming.

and then get hit by them anyways. You NEED to have awareness of the missile.

IR Flares block any movements and visuals of the missile camera for a few seconds and the missile flies straight for those few seconds, it is quite effective as it can force the missle to over shoot the target… I do think the effect could be increased by +1 second at least

oh so that is what flares are for. thx for the info

and then get hit by them anyways. You NEED to have awareness of the missile.

No, you really don’t.


Flares work very well, especially with the nerf to missile turning speed and overall speed. What you NEED to work on is timing when to drop your flares, rather than doing it as soon as you hear the missile warning. A second or three after the warning is a much better time to launch flares, as it usually ensure the missile flies past you or misses entirely. The missile doesn’t turn fast enough to make last-moment course corrections.


Flares don’t save you when you’re in a group. In that situation, someone, somewhere, is being hit by the missile. There’s just too many targets to miss. (That said, in T3 there are so many anti-missile systems that a large group is guaranteed safety from guided missiles anyways)


If you’re alone though, the above will still work. The only instance it doesn’t is if the guided missile operator has aimed ahead of your ship to compensate for the couple of seconds where he can’t turn and track with it. But you can easily fix this problem by doing something as simple as changing your course.


As things currently stand, I have no issues with the flares. They work well, but not too well. What I do have an issue with are the ubiquitous AMS in T3, and the lackluster damage of the missile. Assuming you ever do actually get a missile near someone, the damage itself is nearly worthless. 2-3 seconds of fire from the frigate’s main guns do as much as the missile or more. DPS on my own frigate is about 2600, while the guided missile is a 6800 burst. So ~4 seconds and I’ve done more damage with my guns than I have with my missile; my missile which I’d like to remind everyone, has a 16 second cooldown and requires the operator be completely vulnerable and immobile while he guides it to the target.


If anything, having a jericho frigate on your team who just sits back and uses the missile is equivalent to having a guy go afk on your team. The Jericho missile is absolutely useless in T3 beyond being used as a makeshift flyswatter against orbiting interceptors/fighters.

Jericho missile is godlike in Pre-T3, because of lack of anti-missile system module.


It’s quite well balanced in T3 and up, where it works very well as AoE denial tool and pusher, but can’t be effectively fielded against organised push. At the same time interceptors gain enough speed upgrades to be able to outrun jericho missiles when they need to.

They’re pretty hilarious in T1, where they very nearly one-shot interceptors and can collapse the shields of federation frigates in one go.


Note that even a jammed missile still has a target distance indicator and can be remote detonated. If you’re not outside 400 meters of its current path, you’re getting hit even if you drop them.