Jericho kinda overpowered in places...

Edit: Woah, did i really type “overpowered” in the title? Sorry, brainfart, meant underpowered. I feel really stupid now. Probably focused too much on the writing.


After playing this for a week, it occured to me that Jericho lack in places, and they almost seem like they’re the third child, not getting as much love as its other siblings.


The skills seem half assed; and VERY weak compared to other equalivements.


The “resistance points” thing seems kinda confusing, it doesn’t tell you anything, you don’t have any refference point. How do i know how much of a effect 30 points have on my defence?


T1.1 skill

Empire: Hull str. increased by 25%

Federation: Hull critical and explosion damage taken reduced by 40%

Jericho: additional 30 point hull resistance to everything



I don’t know, since i don’t have a ref point to the res. point thing, so i’ll skip. However i do hope these points scale because otherwise… meh.



E: Locking on target shorter by 75%, 10% more crit chance

F:Sensor range +75%, 20% more weapon range

J: Control debuffs last 25% shorter, 20% less weapon spread


In my opinion this is balanced. It’s not like i know everything about the game just barely reaching T3, but basing on my experince these three skills should be about of the same usefulness.



E:Shield regen speed +25%

F:Shield strenght +20%

J:Shield resistance to everything +20pts


Again, no idea.



E:+10% missile damage

F:+40% missile velocity and maneuverability

J:+75% more missile range



This one is kinda meh.


Maximum range on missiles is only really useful for frigates (which were nerfed in last patch, as opposing to the snipers) because using normal missiles from that range will make it easier to evade, both homing and dumbfire, giving more time to use flares, or hide. I’m also pretty sure its almost impossible to hit dumbfire from that distance while the target is moving at all, with realistic variety.


Meanwhile faster velocity and turnspeed will allways be useful; i can’t think of anytime the bonus would be mitigated by anything, really.  Same for damage.



E:Rotation speed in all axi +30%

F:Pitch maneuvering +75%

J:+5% maximum speed


This made me laugh, then become sad.


Really? 5% top speed? Thats like 10mph on the FASTEST SHIP. Even with afterburners it wouldn’t be that much of a difference. Meanwhile i keep getting outmaneuvered (i mainly play interceptor) by other factions, which kinda frustrates me as i chose ceptor for being agile, and i can’t even outmaneuver now, because the other choices you have are 30% overall rotation speed increase, or a whooping 75% pitch speed increase, which is HUGE in dogfights imo, where you just circle eachother. I can’t even reach the other guy with my cursor while he just dances around me, shooting me in my slow… rear.



E:Weapon damage +7%

F:+50% more crit chance

J:+30% projectile velocity(kinetic/EM)/+10% laser temp


This one i think is fine (?)



E:+30% energy capacity

F:-20% AB energy consumption

J: 15% of damage taken restored as energy

Assuming we’re talking about percentages, this is kinda xxxx. You get a overall bonus of 15% more capacity, that you only fully benefit from when you are almost dead.


If not, i do not know what the capacity units are on energy bar, so i can’t comment. But depending on that this might be balanced, trash, or overpowered.



E:-25%restoration and survival module cooldown

F:20sec engine debuff immunity after using a res/survival module

J:20sec energy siphon immunity after using a res/survival module


IMO being able to dodge and move > having no energy; i haven’t had really many situations where i lacked energy for something; i just stopped afterburinig for literally a second or two to let my energy regen like 50% and then used the module. Even then it’s not like you use modules very often; more like once or twice a minute (or even a life sometimes) and afterburners while very useful for getting away can sometimes be a annoyance in dogfighting, while MOVING at all is something you, well, should do allways. Not sure how to compare the restoration cooldown thing as while the bonus itself seems pretty huge, some of my ship loadouts don’t even have restoration modules at all.



E:+10 resistance pts per every player locked onto you

F:+20% AB speed

J: +7 resistance pts, takes shield dmg when crashing


Again, i have no refference, but a 7 point full time bonus is realistically inferior to a 10 point target-bonus. The bonus will only be useful while you fight; which is while you’re locked on, so you have a almost guaranteed 10 points in combat there, and possibly more, which seems really useful. So does the additional 20% afterburner speed, which seems to be a very big bonus. Especially compared to previously mentioned measly 5% speed increase.



-25% cooldown on modules (expect res and survival)

-35% less module consumption (-\-)

+25% stats to active modules (-\-)


This one i think is balanced in a way; the 25% increase can be very devastating in certain skills, and while energy consumption doesn’t seem as a big deal, it seems it’s compensated by a bigger percentage factor. The 25% cooldown increase also seems very utile, especially for long wait time skills.



E:-15 resistance pts on your target

F:+9% ROF

J: +20% missile ROF


Kinda weird here. The increased reload time is pretty situational; there aren’t gonna be many situations where you empty your rockets reserve in one go on something, and even then 20% off 3 or so seconds is still… 2.4. .6 seconds isn’t exacly giant, and when you deplete your rockets you pretty much lose your bonus entirely, while a rate of fire increase and a debuff are gonna allways be beneficial to you.



E:If below 50% shields, 10% more dmg

F:If below 50% shields, 50% faster energy regen

J:If below 50% shields, 25% faster shield regen


Here, i’m not exacly sure how to compare them but they “sound” alright to me in theory. I should also point out that the bonus Jericho are getting below 50% is avilable as one of the first T1 skills to the Empire, which also works regardless of health…


I realise you can choose different contracts, but that does not change the fact in my opinion the Jericho line of skills is weaker compared to the other two. Why should i be punished for staying loyal, or choosing a different playstyle?


Now, let’s move to railguns. Have you seen anyone use railguns? I rarely do. I do not know about T4, but rarely anyone uses them below that, expect maybe newbies in T1, still learning the metagame.


Rapid fire railguns are pretty much garbage compared to the plasma counterpart. Burst fire isn’t exacly a good idea in this game, as prediction is required and faster ships can be impossible to hit simply due to high bursts of damage; one move from the target and you miss your whole buckshot, ripping away a huge chunk of your DPS. That is, when you wait out your shots. Otherwise they’re kinda meh, i guess, but still fire slower having the same problem, and (i think) have a bigger spread.


Not only that, but the firing modes accesible are thermal and kinetic, compared to plasma’s EM and kinetic. This makes plasma capable of dealing maximum damage against both shields and armor, unlike railguns, which do not do nearly as much damage to shields.


Maybe in theory rapid-fire railguns have more damage, but in practice plasma is way easier to deal damage, i have found (it also sounds and looks cooler, as a bonus :P) due to before mentioned thing where you aren’t as punished for missing as with burst fire weapons. Plasma also has a better effective range.


I literally haven’t seen anyone use assault kinetic full time yet, neither at all the long range version. I don’t even have any idea how that one looks or works, that’s how rare it is.


As for ship abilities, i guess the skills are very good, but i don’t get why the cocoon was placed on the interceptor. I can see it being applicable in defense, but that isn’t exacly the role of a interceptor, is it?


Running away with it? Well, you let your enemies catch up to you during the 6 seconds, and only have 2 to run away so i don’t think so.


Intercepting? Good luck still having anyone within the range after those 6 seconds.


Support? As in, flying into a clusterfaq of enemies and using the ability, well i don’t really understand why they used this on an interceptor. I was hoping more of picking off lone frigates or ambushing ships, or sabotaging and doing a quick runaway or something. So yes, while the ability itself has huge potential, i don’t get why the interceptor wields it.


The fighter shield? Very nice ability, but i don’t play fighters much so i can’t  comment on the balance.


The guided torpedo? It’s kinda infamous, isn’t it? I like to sometimes play frigates, and this is a good ability, bit too good, so i am all for appropriate balancing patches but i don’t get why the disintegrator wasn’t nerfed too, it’s almost instant, has way more DPS, and still has a huge range. I literally got two-shot as a ceptor with it just few hours ago, and i was so suprised i made sure to check the assist percentages, and it was 100% that guy. It was on the beggining of the round. Also buff drones.\


So yes, thats all i have to whine about for now. I love the faction artstyle and agenda; i played toss in sc and vanu in ps, i allways choose the sci-fi faction and am sad to find out stuff like this.

Each resistance point gives you +1% effective hp compared to hull base HPs

For example if your hull has 10000 HP and 30 resistance to EMP, you’ll get 13000 effective HP(EHP) against EMP. If you add 20 more EMP res, you’ll get 15000 EHP against EMP. In case of EHPs it is a simple linear formula.


You also can calculate damage reduction using this given numbers(it won’t be linear formula).


I suggest you to think about EHPs, not in damage reduction for better understanding.

Each resistance point gives you +1% effective hp compared to hull base HPs

For example if your hull has 10000 HP and 30 resistance to EMP, you’ll get 13000 effective HP(EHP) against EMP. If you add 20 more EMP res, you’ll get 15000 EHP against EMP. In case of EHPs it is a simple linear formula.


You also can calculate damage reduction using this given numbers(it won’t be linear formula).


I suggest you to think about EHPs, not in damage reduction for better understanding.


Well then, wouldn’t shield strenght +20% and 20 more points in every resistance be the same, expect when you have other buffs already the 20% will have a bigger bonus?

That is one way to think about it, also that 20% shield helps everything where 20% resist only helps that resist type(unless all resist like

Ship mod or implant).

Resist tanking seems to be better because the good resist modules don’t hurt your speed were as shield/armor ship mods usually do.

That is one way to think about it, also that 20% shield helps everything where 20% resist only helps that resist type(unless all resist like

Ship mod or implant).

Resist tanking seems to be better because the good resist modules don’t hurt your speed were as shield/armor ship mods usually do.


But if we’re talking about skills, basically its a pure downgrade.


Well, xxxx.

But if we’re talking about skills, basically its a pure downgrade.

Well, xxxx.

Please explain.

What do you mean by skills, implants will help on or the other generally, and you can build your ships to balance hp and resists, or pure in either direction.

Where does skill come into this equation? Honestly I am confused.

Please explain.

What do you mean by skills, implants will help on or the other generally, and you can build your ships to balance hp and resists, or pure in either direction.

Where does skill come into this equation? Honestly I am confused.


Skills, as in implants. For example, 20pts of shield resistance to everything will be a downgrade compared to 20% stronger shields.

Uh, not really. They pretty much do the same thing.

All you are doing is changing how your shields react to enemy fire. Is more hp to increase regen speed better compared to taking less damage in general?

It’s all player choice. But taking shields and buffing Therm/EM resistance on it would be better in my opinion than just adding to shield hp.

Uh, not really. They pretty much do the same thing.

All you are doing is changing how your shields react to enemy fire. Is more hp to increase regen speed better compared to taking less damage in general?

It’s all player choice. But taking shields and buffing Therm/EM resistance on it would be better in my opinion than just adding to shield hp.


No, um. 20% and 20 points is both the exact same thing (according to the first reply) but the points are calculated from the base stats, and are not affected by bonuses, therefore they are worse when having to choose between the two.

No, um. 20% and 20 points is both the exact same thing (according to the first reply) but the points are calculated from the base stats, and are not affected by bonuses, therefore they are worse when having to choose between the two.


Not the same thing. +20 res will make your hull more resistant, you’ll gain more from heals etc. It means that you’ll eat the same amount of damage as 120% hp. But if you’ll add +20% hp first, then you’ll add +20 res you won’t get 140% ehps: 120%*1.2=144. If you’ll add +20% hp and +20% hp you’ll gain 140% hps. This means that sometimes is better to mix +% hp and +resistance modules. Resistance is more team oriented, +hp is more solo fit, +hp and +resistance is something balanced. In this game we have a pretty much things to think. Easy to learn but hard to master.

I prefer the resistances over the other skills, for all faction ships and ship types.


While that ~30 000 hull strength maybe looks nice, i’ll take the ~14 000 hull strength with ~100 to all resistances over it any day. 100 resistance = 50% damage taken, which means all and any kind of healing is doubled in effectiveness. Because well, you take half damage.


You can have 1 million hull, put that support module will still heal you only for 140 EHP per second, or liquid armor for 13k EHP over 20 seconds. But with 100 resistances (for example), that support module now heals you for 280 EHP per second and liquid armor for 26k EHP over 20seconds.


To quote DryEagle:

100 resist = +100% effective hp = 50% damage reduction

200 resist = +200% effective hp = 67% damage reduction

300 resist = +300% effective hp = 75% damage reduction

etc. etc.



Up to rank 6 or so, most of my implants are in jericho tree, even though i’m mainly flying empire/federation ships.


One can of course mix and match to their preference (buffer, ehp, resistances), and in some situations one is better than the other.

I prefer the resistances over the other skills, for all faction ships and ship types.


While that ~30 000 hull strength maybe looks nice, i’ll take the ~14 000 hull strength with ~100 to all resistances over it any day. 100 resistance = 50% damage taken, which means all and any kind of healing is doubled in effectiveness. Because well, you take half damage.


You can have 1 million hull, put that support module will still heal you only for 140 EHP per second, or liquid armor for 13k EHP over 20 seconds. But with 100 resistances (for example), that support module now heals you for 280 EHP per second and liquid armor for 26k EHP over 20seconds.


To quote DryEagle:



Up to rank 6 or so, most of my implants are in jericho tree, even though i’m mainly flying empire/federation ships.


One can of course mix and match to their preference (buffer, ehp, resistances), and in some situations one is better than the other.


Right. But what about my other points? Right now the thread is derailed on the resistances.


Why did they even go for the singular skill “tree” thing? It seems so bizzare. Why not just give the freedom to people, in a big skill tree? Right now the skills barely even synergise , both with each other and with the ships, and going for multiple ones punishes your ability to gain other stuff, like ships or contract weapons. There are enough differences between factions, and if you wanted to let players have freedom in choosing skills, why limit it like that?

Right. But what about my other points? Right now the thread is derailed on the resistances.


Why did they even go for the singular skill “tree” thing? It seems so bizzare. Why not just give the freedom to people, in a big skill tree? Right now the skills barely even synergise , both with each other and with the ships, and going for multiple ones punishes your ability to gain other stuff, like ships or contract weapons. There are enough differences between factions, and if you wanted to let players have freedom in choosing skills, why limit it like that?


Because it forces you to play all three faction up until you get what you want in each side. Hence you’ll be more likely to spend money on their gold program to improve quicker. 


It’s smart but if you don’t mind spending time to build things properly then you can chose whatever skills you want from any faction, it’s just a bit long to do. 

Right. But what about my other points? 


Well i think they are good. Out of the 12 skill points, i would put 6 on jericho side (1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 12) even on a hull tanked ship, on shield tank there would be 7 as rank 9 is must have for shield tanking.


It’s the federation skills that are lacking imho. There is very few that hold any value in my eyes (2 to be exact), but that’s just my opinion.


Ps. your 4.3 is wrong, it’s when below 50% speed, not shields :slight_smile:


Pps. i also think that R10 jericho skill is really, really good, as if i’m not mistaken that is +25% increase in healing  on support modules (or resistances when it comes to command modules). And if it works on both of those, i think it’s a must have on frigate or command ship pilots with auras running. If your ship is more self healing oriented with the active modules, i would say that empire one is better. Don’t find much use for the federation one, as i don’t have energy problems with active modules. Maybe them interceptor pilots could have some use for that.



Also i got no problem with skill tree system as it is now. Gives some longevity to the game, as there is something for you to do after you’ve got one faction to 12 (15 when T5 ships get released).

Well i think they are good. Out of the 12 skill points, i would put 6 on jericho side (1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 12) even on a hull tanked ship, on shield tank there would be 7 as rank 9 is must have for shield tanking.


It’s the federation skills that are lacking imho. There is very few that hold any value in my eyes (2 to be exact), but that’s just my opinion.


Ps. your 4.3 is wrong, it’s when below 50% speed, not shields :slight_smile:


Pps. i also think that R10 jericho skill is really, really good, as if i’m not mistaken that is +25% increase in healing  on support modules (or resistances when it comes to command modules). And if it works on both of those, i think it’s a must have on frigate or command ship pilots with auras running. If your ship is more self healing oriented with the active modules, i would say that empire one is better. Don’t find much use for the federation one, as i don’t have energy problems with active modules. Maybe them interceptor pilots could have some use for that.



Also i got no problem with skill tree system as it is now. Gives some longevity to the game, as there is something for you to do after you’ve got one faction to 12 (15 when T5 ships get released).


Looks like it is heavily playstyle dependent, however as i said before i do not have any clue why they went with this. I barely even wanna play interceptor more when, for example, federation has among skills: buffed resistance to engine inhibiting effects, buffed afterburner speed, buffed pitch maneuverability, buffed ab energy consumption, buffed rocket velocity,  buffed rate of fire and buffed energy regen below 50% speed, which is quite useful when you run out of AB while running away, as it will restore more energy in a shorter time when you need to take a quick stop to regen (which happens ALOT as a interceptor)


However for frigate playstyle, so resistance, missile range, and few other utilities i guess jericho is better…?


But i am at the point, where i do not see ANY railguns, and 75% of jericho ships are immobile triangles sitting at the back playing darts. It is getting quite annoying to as a interceptor NOT BE ABLE TO INTERCEPT. I saw fighters outmaneuver me ffs.