Jaguar Engine Animation is Backwards

In this first picture, the ship is turning down, yet the engines are turned up. This is wrong. The resulting thrust from these massive engines at the rear of the ship pointing up would be the nose of the ship turning upward as the rear of the ship is pushed down.





Same with this picture. If the engines at the back of the ship are pointing down, the rear of the ship should be moving up while the nose goes down.





Left and right are also backwards.


The engines are at the rear so that is supposed to be physically correct. Think of them as rear wheels that steer - you turn them in the opposite direction. It fits with the flight style of the game but you wouldn’t really use it if it were real :slight_smile:

They are backwards, assuming they represent Vector Thrusting in a sense,then they are animated in opposite directions.

If the back of the ship is thrust upwards, the front tilts downwards. This is not the case with these engines. They are backwards.

Make screenshots or video please

Make screenshots or video please


I gave you some screenshots with arrows. I highlighted where my mouse is moving the ship vs. where the engine thrust is being directed.

Well there you go “engines pointing up” means some thing different to everyone…

I suppose that engine movement looks fine when strafing.

In atmosphere what you say would be right and how engine works ingame would be inverted, however in space things work differently (at least with some big powerfull rear engines and some tiny little small frontal vernier engines/compensators)…any way i dont know much about phisics, thinking about this confuses me a lot xD I got to say that when i first saw the engines moving i found it weird (and thought just like you did) and tried to understand if it was right or wrong…i failed xD
Maybe the way it works now is based on maintaining current  speed in the direction you aim (some sort of strafing…) If engines point the opposite side then maybe the ship would strafe into the opposite direction in reality (considering those are the main engines). Please someone enlight me :stuck_out_tongue:


Please someone enlight me :stuck_out_tongue:

Try floating a sponge (or a toy boat) in a motionless tub of water. That’s the closest simulation of zero-g you can get for free.

If you push on the back of the sponge at an angle, the rear will be pushed away, but the front will spin around in the opposing direction as a result of unequal force.

If you applied equal force to both the front and back, the sponge would ‘strafe’. But if those forces are not equal, rotation will occur. Since the ship is turning, it is implied that the force of the thrusters is not equal. Therefore the rear engines should be directing the rear of the ship in the opposite direction of rotation compared to the front.

Make sense?

Try floating a sponge (or a toy boat) in a motionless tub of water. That’s the closest simulation of zero-g you can get for free.

If you push on the back of the sponge at an angle, the rear will be pushed away, but the front will spin around in the opposing direction as a result of unequal force.

If you applied equal force to both the front and back, the sponge would ‘strafe’. But if those forces are not equal, rotation will occur. Since the ship is turning, it is implied that the force of the thrusters is not equal. Therefore the rear engines should be directing the rear of the ship in the opposite direction of rotation compared to the front.

Make sense?

you are a genious!! thx :DD

It’s been almost 4 months since this was reported.


Can we expect a fix for this in the upcoming patch?

+1 I read this post only now and OP is right. 


Here is link to wiki:


It has nice animation! Or take a look at this image from that page:



Btw anyone knows what this post means?

That is the bugs current position in the queue

Estimated wait: 4 Months

Well we’re almost there, just a week or two till it has been 4 months

We tnink that engine animation is correct

Please consider this:

Important question is “Where is center of mass of Jaguar?”. If it is in area 1 -  between ‘wings’ and front then engine direction is wrong. If it is in area 2 - between wings and back then it is correct. But if the center of mass is located between wings and back the center of rotation  should be there as well which is not.


Here my humble drawing - area 1 is red, area 2 is green.

We tnink that engine animation is correct


But all physics go to show the opposite. 


Like gheni said, consider the center of mass of the ship (I would reason it is about 2/3 of the way back from the nose of the ship, however Gheni, the wings are almost in the very back, unlike your drawing). Since the engines are behind that center of mass, they must turn in the opposite direction of where you want the ship to go. So if you want the ship to go up, you must point the engines down, so that the thrust from the engines will pivot the ship along the center of mass so that the nose will go up. It’s all simple physics learned in high school (if you took physics in high school, if not it’s physics learned in college).

Are you implying my sketch is imperfect?!


Anyway those engines are in the rear. It is like turning rear wheels in a car. Very simple.