Items in Open Space

To whom it may concern,

In Open Space I’ve been collecting various items. I’ve been using my R11 Destroyer which has 12 item slots. It gets rather annoying to go all the way back to the dock I started from. I truly believe it would benefit the user to have a way to send those items collected back to your inventory. Item Drones not sure if that’s the correct name maybe your staff can be more imaginative. Anyways point being if I’m missing something in each sector as far as sending items back to my inventory let me know.

Thanks for listening,


Use drones, this is only way how to sent loot home





I think fox has made such a suggestion or? I would support it. Sometimes it’s just annoying.

What do i have to do to make my guides interesting to take at least a peek in?

Use the link in my signature and basically read everything u find there so you dont miss anything anymore. Also follow hyperlinks to other guides since not everyone knows what a hyperlink is so i have to write this notice as well.

Thanks guys