Item should be written in singular form and not in plural!

Bug report:








Please, make the following text corrections!


Text corrections or alterations: (affected words are arranged in proper order)

  • Controlling xenobot (singular form)

-Molecular xenoassembler (singular form)

  • Atomic xenoassembler (singular form)

  • Accumulating xenocrystal (singular form)

  • Signal nanoreceiver (singular form)

  • Tai’Kin instruction nanoprojector (singular form + text correction)

  • Entangled shard (singular form)

  • Tai’Kin cabin hull (text correction)

-Tai’Kin cabin interior (text correction)

  • Tai’Kin xenocontrol interface (text correction)

Agreed, because nobody will ever get more than one at a time. XD

11 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Agreed, because nobody will ever get more than one at a time. XD

There is another danger. That any new ship may make old resources obsolete or at least absent, because we can only acquire different kinds, for Tai’Kin, etc. I hope I am wrong.

Thanks for the reports  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Not a bug

For example, 'Controlling xenobots’is a name of resource and musn’t changed.