Basically, the way I see it is that the higher-level contracts are generally not worth spending the money on. They’re both more difficult to achieve and much more expensive. These are the ones I currently have access to prices and such, I will update this as I change faction contracts.
Name Cost Loyalty Loyalty/Cost Cost/Loyalty Cost for 10k Loyalty
Speed Test 1050 600 0.5714 1.7500 17500
The Choice 3150 700 0.2222 4.5000 45000
Initiation: Vanguard 5775 1500 0.2597 3.8500 38500
Dogfighting 3675 800 0.2177 4.5938 45938
Capturing Positions 8400 1700 0.2024 4.9412 49412
Coup De Grace 6825 800 0.1172 8.5313 85313
Effective Victory 10500 2000 0.1905 5.2500 52500
Suppression 8400 1000 0.1190 8.4000 84000
A Perfect Soldier 12600 2200 0.1746 5.7273 57273
Frigates Up Close 14700 2500 0.1701 5.8800 58800
As you can see, the lower-level contracts are much cheaper in terms of loyalty gain. You get more loyalty in larger payments with the higher-level contracts, but it’s not worth it IMO. They also have a lot longer cooldowns. I run mostly the first 4-5 contracts now, and I seem to be gaining loyalty much faster.