Is this allowed?

Hey i’m just wondering… when your Recon got low hull left remaining and there are 3 ships trying to take you down,

can you use your microwarp to get away from the place?

I never did that but i’m curious, is it allowed or… what?  :fed007:

Course it is. It does make you FAR easier to hit, though.


Microwarp can also be used to escape. 

Refusing to die is definitely NOT bann-worthy

Thanks for the fast replies.   :lol:

I have done it 1 out of the 10x I have tried it


so good luck, and if you do it right you will get a medal as a reward

easiest way is to use your cloak, then hit microwarp, the cloak lasts just long enough for the microwarp to trigger

Hey i’m just wondering… when your Recon got low hull left remaining and there are 3 ships trying to take you down,

can you use your microwarp to get away from the place?

I never did that but i’m curious, is it allowed or… what?  :fed007:


That’s one of its primary uses :wink:

That’s one of its primary uses :wink:

No, it’s not. Its primary use is warp next to Bombs and Beacons and drop a Minefield and Proximity Mine on them so you can get First Blood on the idiots that fly right into the mines.

No, it’s not. Its primary use is warp next to Bombs and Beacons and drop a Minefield and Proximity Mine on them so you can get First Blood on the idiots that fly right into the mines.


Or to troll enemy team in combat recon where both capts die and your team has more kills, you being the last survivor - warp galore

The micro warp is designed to get in and out as fast as possible so of course you are allowed to use it:)

But don’t hit the asteroids.

No, it’s not. Its primary use is warp next to Bombs and Beacons and drop a Minefield and Proximity Mine on them so you can get First Blood on the idiots that fly right into the mines.


Note the plural. Use s.


And yes it is - as Error mentioned, it’s primary use is to get in and out as fast as possible.