Is the faction important?


I want to know if the rank I have on a ship of one faction,influences something else than the contracts I have with that faction.Like,for example,I want to play only on ships of Federation.


I want to know if the rank I have on a ship of one faction,influences something else than the contracts I have with that faction.Like,for example,I want to play only on ships of Federation.


It also set your maximum implant rank. Just remember that implants just work in the ship with the same rank of the implant and the ships above.


I strongly disagree playing only Fed ships, because you will need empire and Jericho vouchers for upgrading modules.

If you try flying only Fed you will be laughably underpowered compared to everyone else. You should try to level all factions equally, if only so you can get better contracts.

O.K.,so apart of contracts,it doesn’t influence anything.Then,can you give me a list or something to see what contracts are available at higher ranks?

It’s not about the kind contracts but the type of voucher they give. You can’t equip a ship from only two (from the 6) kind of vouchers. There are some tables around the forums, in the guides section about all the modules and their upgrade requirements, but believe me, you need all.

O.K.,so apart of contracts,it doesn’t influence anything.Then,can you give me a list or something to see what contracts are available at higher ranks?


Everything is here, courtesy of Enny: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22885-economy-tips-on-game-economy-and-progression/)

You can fly any ship and still do contract/vouchers of another faction.

You can fly any ship and still do contract/vouchers of another faction.

Yes, but when this question was made, your maximum contract rank was the maximum rank of your faction ship. So if you only played one faction, you won’t be able to get vouchers from the other two.


I don’t know if this has been changed now.

Yes, but when this question was made, your maximum contract rank was the maximum rank of your faction ship. So if you only played one faction, you won’t be able to get vouchers from the other two.


I don’t know if this has been changed now.


Yeah as far as i know, the implants are all unlocked with only 1 faction (rank 15 fed = all implants available, it was not like this before but they changed it i think), but for contracts, you need a line of that faction’s to be as high as possible. So for rank 15 contracts with Jericho, you’ll need to have unlocked(not necessarily play) a rank 15 jerry ship. 

A clear shortcut is to buy a premium ship of high tier in the required faction to unlock your contracts without playing that faction. 

Yeah as far as i know, the implants are all unlocked with only 1 faction (rank 15 fed = all implants available, it was not like this before but they changed it i think), but for contracts, you need a line of that faction’s to be as high as possible. So for rank 15 contracts with Jericho, you’ll need to have unlocked(not necessarily play) a rank 15 jerry ship. 

A clear shortcut is to buy a premium ship of high tier in the required faction to unlock your contracts without playing that faction. 

You just can’t do that shortcut.

Remember, to buy a premium ship, you need a ship of at least one rank lower is that faction.

Unless he buy a bundle, witch bypass that restrictions for weird reasons, you can’t do that.


Anyway,  to the OP, you shouldn’t play only one faction. Both 3 factions are great with different gameplay.