IR Flares

Does anyone find IR flares useful?



I thought they were very handy back in early beta, when missiles were finite and didn’t reload after the cartridge was empty.


But ever since the missile reloading change, I haven’t found them particularly useful, and I’ve rarely seen other peopel use them.


Is there a trick to using them that I’m missing, or are they as unnecessary as I think they are?

I use them on my CovOps as 3rd Multipurpose module, and that is a bout it. Currently Shield is much better choice.

They’re useful in Special Operations, when the Defiler launches its missiles at you.

They are mostly used as a way to activate the rank 8 fed implant and stop engine inhibitor effects. Since the buff to the shield booster cooldown, both are so close (IR still shorter) that the shield repair of the shield booster is usually prefered.


Of course there are still people who think they need 3 multipurpose in a cov ops to be safe. Then you can use IR as the third.


And finally, they are really useful in spec ops, as somebody said.

You can find niche uses for them like my Chiron, it’s great for halting that annoying Jericho lrf Torp or just making sure a Doomsday or other damaging frigate missiles miss your hull. I do use that ship as a mobile cannon, flares obviously not as useful if you are sniping.

Well, they are still useful, so there is no need to balance them.

Of course there are still people who think they need 3 multipurpose in a cov ops to be safe.

it is not for “to be safe” it is for exponentialy increase your dmg out put per battle.

personally I quite like flares on my recon, makes you pretty much invulnerable to tacklers with f8 implant

I use flares!

Flares are awesome!

I use flares!

Flares are awesome!


