Ion Beam Warhead Missiles (Command)

Just curious what the REAL explosion radius is.  And if it IS only 75 m, it needs to be increased to 150 like the description says.


Also.  The damage is WAY too low.  It needs to be about 1500-2000 because right now, it’s weaker than some MAIN weapons…all other missiles in the game deal more damage.  In fact, a single blast from an octopus deals more damage than this…by 500 pts more.  It’s just not good enough, so it’s not being used.



The missile isn’t about dealing damage. It’s a utility missile.

The missile isn’t about dealing damage. It’s a utility missile.


I know, but it’s still worthless because EM resists on hull are naturally high.  Sure, disabling the enemy will help, but I’d just take a regular missile and take them out faster.

It’s utility missile, doesnt need to do much damage. Disable pulsar, engy heals, other commands, charging covops and ecms , recons from jumping. Very convenient.

Same is with tackler slow field missile. Combined with slowdown modules and gravilazor holds charging enemy in place (unless anti-tackler implant)

I just don’t see the benefit of losing 3x the damage for the sake of disabling…Maybe I’m just…special lol

I just don’t see the benefit of losing 3x the damage for the sake of disabling…Maybe I’m just…special lol

With good timed ion missiles you can solo guard without much stress.


Mostly I use it to disable enemy engi heals and ecms, command does not do much damage anyway.

With the current ECM meta and all stacked disable reductions it is only useable to stop pulsar/shield boost of guard.  The orion is so short, that until the missile reach the CO (it is sloooow) orion will be over and the spike dmg will be done.
Other commands will just reactivate the resist modules 1.3 sec later. The damage and speed one are not canceled. Same goes with engi. You disable 1 tick, 2 max.

It does not need damage. Hell, reduce damage, but increase disable time and radius, so it can properly hit interceptors.  5.0 sec base disable time 150m radius and reduced damage. That way this  support ship can do it’s job.
And since it is a missile you can counter it in so many ways it will NOT be OP.

I’d rather increase the rotation and flight speed than touching the damage. The missile doesn’t need damage, just utility. 

I’d rather increase the rotation and flight speed than touching the damage. The missile doesn’t need damage, just utility. 

Increase the Rotation and flight speed?


So you wanta 5th module for commands under the form of a Ion DIffuser Missile.

Increase the Rotation and flight speed?


So you wanta 5th module for commands under the form of a Ion DIffuser Missile.


I said that if the missile were to be buffed, I’d rather increase the flight stats than the damage.


Calm down frigboy, and put your baguettron where I can see it.

I think 75 is the blast damage radius / 150 utility radius.  if you remove all the damage from ionbeam warheads and give more rotation speed as a command pilot  I’ll be happy.

You realize that it’s having the Effect of a Ion Diffuser right?

You realize that it’s having the Effect of a Ion Diffuser right?

Take solice in the fact that players don’t make the rules for the game.


I think SenC was joking. I assume…



Nope not joking , 4519 dps , with  %80 bonus 8134 dps , %55 chanse lets say 6500 dps in the middle , my guns do more than enough damage already so I don’t need plus damage from missiles I’m using them as disable-rs. 



With the current ECM meta and all stacked disable reductions it is only useable to stop pulsar/shield boost of guard.  The orion is so short, that until the missile reach the CO (it is sloooow) orion will be over and the spike dmg will be done.

Other commands will just reactivate the resist modules 1.3 sec later. The damage and speed one are not canceled. Same goes with engi. You disable 1 tick, 2 max.

It does not need damage. Hell, reduce damage, but increase disable time and radius, so it can properly hit interceptors.  5.0 sec base disable time 150m radius and reduced damage. That way this  support ship can do it’s job.

And since it is a missile you can counter it in so many ways it will NOT be OP.


That’s actually a great idea.  I guess I’m in the same place as you…the damage is low, and the durational effect is low, too.  If damage isn’t something the community wants, then maybe increased effects would be a better way to go.  Right now, the missiles ARE being used, but not by many…special warheads like these should be on more ships instead of standard missiles which is how it is now.  Most use missiles other than the standards, but many flock to EM missiles because of the outstanding turn radius of 120 degrees/sec with the R5 fed implant.

You realize that it’s having the Effect of a Ion Diffuser right?

And that’s why i love shooting them at guards :smiley:

And that’s why i love shooting them at guards :smiley:

Commands are melting really fast :smiley: