Invisible Escort Ships

I understand this has been posted before but hopefully I will be able to shed more information on this issue. I’m not entirely sure what causes it, happened to me so far in Ontregos pass, Abandoned Beacon and New Eden. It looks like a high-res loading issue when it switches between models/levels of detail.


  1. Invisible Escort ships upon close-range interception

  2. Would be nice to actually see the ships

  3. I can’t be sure, I have had it happen in a tackler previously. Nothing out of the ordinary.

  4. Don’t believe there are any

  5. Intermittent

  6. Please, see below and attached

  7. 1400 GMT (london +0000)

  8. See attached



[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8676)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8677)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8678)

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8679)

Good work.


I can tip you for a few other bugs, if you wish to report them. 5 of them so far.

Let me know.



Jericho - Abandoned Outpost.

Mounted turrets on the Station give you kinetic damage instead of EM.


Processing Rig asteroid mining beam of lava gives you collision damage instead of thermal.


Federation - Research Center - Missing textures on that building, where the Cartel Commander appears.

Go straight from Border Zone gate and you will see it, if you travel in a straight line.


Ruined Station - Glitched mysterious container on occasions. Same as Felony Border.


Picking a booster with another member, which is a criminal will turn you into one as well. Damage booster, repair kit, not sure about the speed buff booster.


Even if you accidentally one shot the federation/empire/jericho convoy, even when there is no criminal effect or hostile retaliation, if aliens or pirates kill it, you will lose karma and become an aggressor and a criminal.

Same issue goes for recon warp, warp-gate warp, collisions of any kind, self destruct, if you accidentally hitted someone.

Jericho - Abandoned Complex

Mounted turrets on the Station give you kinetic damage instead of EM.

Testing Now.


Processing Rig asteroid mining beam of lava gives you collision damage instead of thermal.

Confirmed, video proof and logs on way


Federation - Research Center - Missing textures on that building, when the Cartel Commander appears.

Go straight from Border Zone gate and you will see it, if you travel in a straight line.

Seen before, Graphical Evidence on way


Ruined Station - Glitched mysterious container on occasions. Same as Felony Border.

Will Test. May take a while.


Picking a booster with another member, which is a criminal will turn you into one as well. Damage booster, repair kit, not sure about the speed buff booster.

We tried this to no avail, if you can replicate it and video it then that’d be brilliant


Even if you accidentaly one shot the federation/empire/jericho convoy, even when there is no criminal effect or hostile retaliation, if aliens or pirates kill it, you will lose karma and become an aggressor and a criminal.

Same issue goes for recon warp, warp-gate warp, collisions of any kind, self destruct, if you accidentally hitted someone.

Confirmed, will replicate

Thank you very much for this!  Especially video and logs.  Makes things a lot easier :slight_smile:


Could you please just fill out the correct form as described here?:  [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)   And then I can forward the bug, if it has not already been done.




Please make seperate threads for the other bugs mentioned by Koromac, just to keep it clean, and so each one can be closed once reported.  Also if you need any help with investigating the other bugs, I am in-game now.

Thank you very much for this!  Especially video and logs.  Makes things a lot easier :slight_smile:


Could you please just fill out the correct form as described here?:  [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)   And then I can forward the bug, if it has not already been done.




Please make seperate threads for the other bugs mentioned by Koromac, just to keep it clean, and so each one can be closed once reported.  Also if you need any help with investigating the other bugs, I am in-game now.

Edited, i was going to anyway

One more thing, starcoaster.


Each bug needs to be filled individually. Each thread must be made separate for each bug. This means repeated bug reporting steps for each.


About the booster. You need to know certain factors. Safe and dangerous zone, when you joined the group, if you joined the group, while one had the artifact effect, etc.

We did not follow the same steps. Bug 100% exist. I will do the bug report on my own then.


Take your time. It’s not a serious issue, but it’s a bug.


Will TC can repeat the bug at anytime?

Will TC can repeat the bug at anytime?

unsure, best way to see would be to take a swarm out into ontregos and look for it to see if you can replicate. it’s not the first time i’ve had it happen and it appears to be the same bug everywhere. If you can’t replicate, i’ll replicate when i’m home and put logs up again if successful



i gather it has been successfully repeated then?

Yes, and we posted new issue in our bugtracker

Yes, and we posted new issue in our bugtracker

Excellent! I hoped i’d be able to provide enough to get this done