Invasion mode

Well… that takes the prize for creepiest ambience I’ve ever seen. Also, are the infected ships sawtooths, or is it just me who sees that?

Well… that takes the prize for creepiest ambience I’ve ever seen. Also, are the infected ships sawtooths, or is it just me who sees that?


They look like T4 Jericho fighters, but normal ones not pirate.

i would love them if they would be asymmetrical. like breen ships.


otherwise, this video clearly shows, how things happen atm. :slight_smile:

Being two shotted by biomorph hunter green singularity is not very pleasant, really.

Btw I want their turbolazors! Sound and visual are awesome!

Being two shotted by biomorph hunter green singularity is not very pleasant, really.

Btw I want their turbolazors! Sound and visual are awesome!


I want to roar like them.

I want to use Hunter’s ships!




not enuf medals…

Yeah, biomorph are pretty badass ! Maybe the greeny ambient light is too much…

I like how you ping the player which have done nothing… You just fly through is fire and take it. he could have done nothing about that and still get the agressor flag… Then be gank by some random around him that see an easy prey.
This need to be look at by the devs and adress before release…



Maybe the greeny ambient light is too much…


It sinks my fps by 6/7 points, which when I’m on 20 to start with is not too good…  :sad:


But yeah I so want to fly around in an infected ship and kill people with my OP green ****.  Also the spawning in on top of people function of the ship would come in handy…  :bomber:

I like how you ping the player which have done nothing… You just fly through is fire and take it. he could have done nothing about that and still get the agressor flag… Then be gank by some random around him that see an easy prey.

This need to be look at by the devs and adress before release…


I noticed engineer’s combat drones fire at will marking you as aggressor as well. not cool :c

After that the randoms and ‘da police’ finishes you off and you can’t run since you’re an engi