Invasion. First Encounter

learn to use spoilers or don’t queue the whole thing to post “yes”, forum common sense


Ha, you should read Warframe forums, 1 page, 3 posts, because someone quotes a post with 5 images without spoilers to say: “Cool fan art dude!”

I wish Devs will add new maps which belong to Aliens in open space, adventuring into an alien world with alien technology and buildings, traveling through worm holes will attract many players!




Resembles a Katana/Lance, broken up and pumped with a layer of alien space rock. Or alien space drugs.

It is a Katana. But it is “infected” so I suppose the aliens are a bit like the Shadows in B5. They are biological and can infect ships. Or maybe like the Borg, and they can cybernetically alter other ships to assimilate them.



It is a Katana. But it is “infected” so I suppose the aliens are a bit like the Shadows in B5. They are biological and can infect ships. Or maybe like the Borg, and they can cybernetically alter other ships to assimilate them.



Ok so i have an idea for them,they destroy our ship,then they infect our ship to be one of them,so that mean when custom color schemes came,the alien will ride my PINK SHIPS  :bomber:  :bomber:

Open world… 

Already back and iv noticed population has gone up, even when its not peak time.

As always i am ahead of everyone, so as it was predicted over and over again population in game will increase.

Now all we need is mining, trading and some more systems and we have something.

Something must be related to the Moon’s Cycle.


I need to consult the Oracle !

I will need popcorns for the next 2 days.

Already back and iv noticed population has gone up, even when its not peak time


Antibus just told me he was the voice actor of this audio  :lol:


I want Akaurl voice acting  :learn:

Them ships look really good :slight_smile:


i just got my Mk5 Plasma guns on my inty… happy days… but its a bit sad to find out that the turret skin is almost the same as mk4 and the shots/bolts are blue… i realy urge and wish game devs would make the enegy on the turrets and the protjectils green or orange since in the crafting progress you trow a ton of alien monocules in the guns… and u would know u craftet a gun of alien matriels…


still loving invation mode, but u might wanna add:

bieng able to see what the containers contain before looting,and meby somthing like loot pick up for the one that gets the kill… lots of loot steales out there.

astroids tell what mats they yeald, plus i hate getting credits when farming astroids in space. ahh this rock was full of credits…wired make it materials only

a few outlaw stations were u could buy random stuff say mats for crafting

add more crafting stuff and more guns…and meby bieng able to craft anoter turret foryour ship, loot drones, more powerfull boosters grapling arms for fasrter looting…ect


enjoying SC more than ever. xD