Invasion cargo looting suggestion

  • Players could not able to pick up cargo with cloak mode.

it’ll show a message “cargo collection failed”

  • cargo will invisible for other players for 1st 30 seconds from an ncp killed by another player.

It’ll visible for squad mates.


and please fix auto gunfire while switching chat or dropping cargo.


Dang tacklers ripping off hard earned biomorph loot with their cloaks


I have mixed feelings on this one… as I use my tackler to quickly kill my targets (NPC’s that is) take the loot and get the hell outta there before they respawn. So I guess I’ll +0.5 this suggestion. 


Still want the autofire fixed though so +1 to that.

I do NOT agree.


I have only just started using tacklers again, and am finding invasion better now.


Not everyone (in a tackler), steals other peoples loot, not everone, (in a tackler), hides all the time…


Plenty of players that are NOT in tacklers, take loot that they didn’t earn, so it is not just a cloaked tacker problem… It’s a greedy player problem.

You will never fix people. Just don’t allow them to do so.

You will never fix people. Just don’t allow them to do so.


Okay, so punish everybody, and take away everyones choices, just because a few players are unethical and steal your loot before you get a chance to go get it ?


I don’t think so…

Okay, so punish everybody




You will never fix people. Just don’t allow them to do so.




As usual, you offer an opinion, with no substance or explaination of your thinking.


Hows about we use our time to offer constructive feedback, rather than just to stroke our ego and increase our post count…

I do not agree as well.   Regardless of the fact if they are cloaked or not… there will be people are going to slide on in and take whatever loot supposely you may have worked so hard to get. 


They may look at as “you snooze you lose” .     


   I am the opposite … if I see someone having issues ( overwhelmed) being attacked by pirates or even if they are attacking transports and I have the time I will assist and after the attackers have been cleared…I will go about my way and not even touch the loot.    That is just me… :01111:  


Sometimes there may be loot that I see and a whole swarm of pirates may be close by or heck I could be running cloaked and just happen to see an viable loot chance I can’t pass by :005j:     


Now again  I am one that happens to look and see if there are anyone fighting anywhere close by first … even when chased.     I then feel bad for the poor individual that I may have introduced additional targets too   :006j:

As usual, you offer an opinion, with no substance or explaination of your thinking.


Hows about we use our time to offer constructive feedback, rather than just to stroke our ego and increase our post count…

Who said I was thinking? Although the point where I said you can’t fix people is a fact. In a game people will do what they wan to do unless it is against rules. How do you suppose the developers set up rules so griefing like this doesn’t happen (if they even c*re)?

Seriously. Please tell me. If you have any bright ideas other than this. Please. Please tell me. Tell me that you love me. Whoops…

the proposal have already been forwarded to the Devs