International Day of Human Space Flight

Greetings Mercs!


Many of you know, and those who didn’t - it would be an International Day of Human Space Flight on the 12th of April. Therefore we prepared a small quiz about space. Find out what do you know about outer space by clicking here.



And I just discovered I know close to nothing about astronautics. Time to go study. Yay.

The first question sounds like the start of a joke…


Btw, how is Venus the hottest planet?  Mercury is closees to the sun?

The first question sounds like the start of a joke…


Btw, how is Venus the hottest planet?  Mercury is closees to the sun?

I think Mercury has no atmosphere or somethig so there is nothing to keep the heat.

The first question sounds like the start of a joke…


Btw, how is Venus the hottest planet?  Mercury is closees to the sun?

Epic greenhouse effect.


Edit: 17 of 22, not bad, considering most of my fails were in dates, which I really don’t care about.

Just went ahead and looked it up and yep, it’s because mercury has no atmosphere to retain the heat, whilst venus has an atmosphere which is also a lot denser than Earths… so yeah, giant microwave.

So, yeah. Got 14 right… failed.


14+1 for the rotation

Very cool Quiz!


Just one objection -


In which direction the Earth is rotating?  

Correct Answer: counterclockwise  East

The lightest planet: Uranus or Saturn?!

14/22, but the total time apollo 11 had clocked in was far more than “3 days”…

the mission time was 195 hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds.

Direction of earth’s rotation: West To East.

And protip: Earth is infact the densest planet in our solar system. Mercury is the fastest, Jupiter the largest…

The soviet space dog has a stamp named after her.

Voyager is a probe, ISS is an abreviation for something International.

And Explorer 1 was before the moon landing.

For the humans in space date think about Yuri.

For the monkey think about Einstein’s actual name.

I think I got all the technical answers correct but not the who did what ones ;p

I teach college astronomy and I got one wrong…


I should exile myself in shame.