Attention, pilots! The game’s hangar interface is in the process of global modification!
At the moment, the interface size is under optimization for the screen resolution 1920/1080. Gradually, all the windows and interface elements in the game will be reworked and optimized for this resolution and further scaling from it.
We invite players to participate in the development of the new game interface and share their suggestions on this topic in the comments.
Good luck in battles and see you in space!
Yours faithfully,
Star Conflict team
It looks disgusting!! Reverse this UI update omfg everything is big and it just doesnt fit in, REVERSE!! I like how it was before you launched it, you just had to fix the picture up the top before but now u changed pretty much everything, and it looks horrible, playing on 1920/1080.
Module recharge time is worst. UI for me not very bad.
Amazing! I can’t even get out of ship window ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)
“Tuning” Is primarily mechanical not appearance in the English speaking world. Customization worked. Nobody thinks about painting your sport car or bike when you send it in for tuning.
The UI is out of proportions, seems like playing on 720p with a 23 inch screen, the vouchers were nicely positioned before, it was fairly better looking and the 1000=1k conversion is kinda silly. All there was to do with that pre patch UI was to enlarge the profile/corp/options icons.
The offset for store UI is a bit much on 1280x720
I am sorry to say, but I don’t like this interface. Everything is too big and I would like to have the one from previous update.
Credits in billions, free synergy ends in k. You can’t clearly see a precise number.
someone somehow come up with this terrible idea that mess up the game UI,
seriously, change it back please…
I cannot see some of the bundles in the Store.
Also, please, put back the loyalty in the top area of the screen. There is a lot of space for it.
Screen: 2560x1440, resolution: 1366x768.
PS Otherwise, good UI, but the logics is broken sometimes; some windows stay open, some don’t. And I would like to see General Chat everywhere. As you can see in the screenshot, there is no General Chat.
PSS off top - stop giving me those damn WagGot Xenocontrol Interfaces. I have had 15 of them one after another. Seriously, this is demotivating. You give the same part (and you destroy it) - why would I play?
The Interface Scale option is missing under settings. My monitor’s resolution is 3440x1440 and now everything is too small. I have to squint to see things and I am not able to play the game without it.
1 hour ago, Eugeneius said:
The Interface Scale option is missing under settings. My monitor’s resolution is 3440x1440 and now everything is too small. I have to squint to see things and I am not able to play the game without it.
I play with 2560x1600 and have the same problem, all resolutions above 1920x1080 are practically unplayable in current iteration.
I can somewhat deal with the hangar things being super small, but in the combat it is literally painful to play, eye strain is just to much
[@Eugeneius](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/251258-eugeneius/) Can you drop here a screen shot with in-battle HUD for reference
This is a terrible change. When I started playing the UI elements were to small for my monitor so I simply went in the options and changed the UI scaling to a higher amount. Now, with this update, certain elements are bigger and others smaller than what I had it set for. Changing credits from 1,200,000 to 1200k is unnecessary and if anything should be an option in the settings. Players grow accustomed to what you initially provide and forcing changes instead of allowing players to choose it for themselves is a mistake.
Old interface was pretty and practical, why you changed it?
26 minutes ago, Rob40468 said:
Old interface was pretty and practical, why you changed it?
Old interface was terrible and called for change since 90s.
same, bundles are really too down: ( the weird is: there’s place in top screen to avoid that
Hangar before: ITS OK ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)
Hangar yesterday: Hmmm oh its not so bad ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)
Hangar now: WTF IS THAT FONT MY EYES ARE BURNING AAAAAAHHHH ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”)
that font is so bad that i prefeer comic sans… realy