InterceptorZz!! Best weapon and ship!

Hey guys! I am pretty new to this game but i LOVE it!!!


So to get some more general knowledge about the game, what is the best interceptor ship (the ones that have microwarp!) and what is the best weapon to use on it?


Peace out and see you in space!

all the ships are paper,rock, scissors

and most people will tell you that the best gun is the one that fits your preferred style.


Some work better in someways while others work better for other things


the ship with the microwarp is the recon and personally I find it to be the weakest interceptor

I am mainly interrested in seeing peoples personal preffrence!! So just share you’re preffered interceptor build, like which kind of interceptor and weapon etc! :slight_smile:


Maybe some people have gone lengths to find the best options, and they would love to share their work. =) 


Since I am still a newb it will help me to know what to look for and what to aim for! Untill i start gaining my own expirience!

all the ships are paper,rock, scissors

They REALLY aren’t, anymore.

Also finding the Recon to be the weakest interceptor class in face-to-face combat, yet of very high utility (one of the purposes i use it for, the other purpose is trolling - however it IS the most useful tactical ship, a good player in this can actually change the outcome of a battle in tight moments when teammates are at least holding their position).

The cov ops is a dive - kill - gtfo type of interceptor designed for tactical killing blows - tho people use it for completely other purposes… (like dominating the battle - there are players who mastered this and will pull out near-impossible moves with them or die just about in every encounter - pick wisely).

ECM is the game’s debuffer - locks a ship down and drains energy (purpose of helping your teammates or yourself, depending on how a good survivor or killer you are, this ships can face all odds with very little trouble).


So choose out of those.


Then weapons.

If you have good aiming skills (as in shooting at the right moment) with high damage and deadly pot shots then you can use the Shrapnel Cannon as a shotgun.

If you’re terrible at aiming, use Pulse Lasers (beware, LOW damage). The lasers strike directly where aimed, no movement leading needed, but have a high spread ratio.

If you are somewhere in between, choose one of the plasma guns. These require a good lead indicator spotting and have a great damage output if you can maintain your accuracy.


Personally using shotgun on recon and ecm and rapid fire plasma on cov ops. Don’t ask why cuz i dont know :stuck_out_tongue:

Also finding the Recon to be the weakest interceptor class in face-to-face combat, yet of very high utility (one of the purposes i use it for, the other purpose is trolling - however it IS the most useful tactical ship, a good player in this can actually change the outcome of a battle in tight moments when teammates are at least holding their position).

The cov ops is a dive - kill - gtfo type of interceptor designed for tactical killing blows - tho people use it for completely other purposes… (like dominating the battle - there are players who mastered this and will pull out near-impossible moves with them or die just about in every encounter - pick wisely).

ECM is the game’s debuffer - locks a ship down and drains energy (purpose of helping your teammates or yourself, depending on how a good survivor or killer you are, this ships can face all odds with very little trouble).


So choose out of those.


Then weapons.

If you have good aiming skills (as in shooting at the right moment) with high damage and deadly pot shots then you can use the Shrapnel Cannon as a shotgun.

If you’re terrible at aiming, use Pulse Lasers (beware, LOW damage). The lasers strike directly where aimed, no movement leading needed, but have a high spread ratio.

If you are somewhere in between, choose one of the plasma guns. These require a good lead indicator spotting and have a great damage output if you can maintain your accuracy.


Personally using shotgun on recon and ecm and rapid fire plasma on cov ops. Don’t ask why cuz i dont know :stuck_out_tongue:

Very good info! Thanks a lot! I like the idea of being a ship that goes in gets a kill and gets out, but i feel like I have gone the bad way then if recon is that bad:( 

recon interceptor uses weapons ?? omg …

Very good info! Thanks a lot! I like the idea of being a ship that goes in gets a kill and gets out, but i feel like I have gone the bad way then if recon is that bad:( 

If you like winning over killing the recon is the upper choice really, spot the moment, activate the warp drive and do whatever you spotted you can do to shift tides (taking beacons, an emp bomb, a sniper in place taking shots at your captain etc. - it’s situational). When all mods are ready you can enter a fight without a problem, but beware once you’re on cooldowns, get invisible, warp away (be careful where).


It’s all about preffered style as keyote said.

I’m flying all 3 and finding them all useful for what they are meant to do.


EDIT: yes kine, that a newsflash to you? xD

and it can kill quite effectively :stuck_out_tongue:

If you like winning over killing the recon is the upper choice really, spot the moment, activate the warp drive and do whatever you spotted you can do to shift tides (taking beacons, an emp bomb, a sniper in place taking shots at your captain etc. - it’s situational). When all mods are ready you can enter a fight without a problem, but beware once you’re on cooldowns, get invisible, warp away (be careful where).


It’s all about preffered style as keyote said.

I’m flying all 3 and finding them all useful for what they are meant to do.


EDIT: yes kine, that a newsflash to you? xD

and it can kill quite effectively :stuck_out_tongue:

Ye i find it very usefull!! out of interest, which interceptor do you find to be the best all around?

Interceptors are task specific … ie. each will only do a couple of things well - not really a multi-purpose ship.


although some people will cry that ECM does everything including heals.

although some people will cry that ECM does everything including heals.

lol, i know the feeling, i’m one of them


start off with the recon eventually, was easiest for me at first, not too complicated, and when you decide you want to kill stuff go for cov ops

lol, i know the feeling, i’m one of them


start off with the recon eventually, was easiest for me at first, not too complicated, and when you decide you want to kill stuff go for cov ops

Is that only cause of the diffrent special module? or is there more that make them better?

Is that only cause of the diffrent special module? or is there more that make them better?

The Recon is one that requires you to either help the team with debuffs (for example: probes to discover enemies, shield draining…) or to act alone for tactical purposes, like spotting an undefended beacon and going to it to capture it. The special mod has a fairly low cooldown so you can use it in quick succession depending on the situation. This will help you learn to be aware of the field, which is the first and most important thing to know, even if you decide to troll :stuck_out_tongue:

While doing all that you will also inevitably learn to use the guns, mines, rockets, how the ship flies etc etc etc, so combine these with awareness = you will be a notch above other new players. Then you can get into the others which require more in-combat actions. You said hit and run tactics appeal to you? Go cov ops right after.


Oh, and important: don’t rage, if your team scraps off to not doing anything useful or can’t, sit back, relax, fly around aimlessly and think of something funny to do and just enjoy yourself (or polish your gunnery skills) :stuck_out_tongue:

recon is no good if you dont know how to use microwarp, but it takes long time to master it.

recon is no good if you dont know how to use microwarp, but it takes long time to master it.

all ships are like that, no exception from this rule

all ships are like that, no exception from this rule


yes, but microwarp can kill you if you dont know how to use it.

I am aware of microwrap. I have a t3 dwarf ship and have just played enough to decide what kinda playstyle i preffer :slight_smile:


And that is why i go here to become wiser and to start going in the right direction! :slight_smile: gonna start going for covert ops instead right away! :) 

Recon actually fits my style more than Covert Ops. I’m more concerned with indirectly ruining someone’s day, and I’m not a great killer on an interceptor. The stealth detector and spy drones help me achieve that. Delicious assists.


Out of all the interceptor weapons I’ve tried, I’ve taken a shine to the shrapnel cannon and the pulse laser. Those are the easiest weapons for me to use. The new Rapid plasma ain’t what I used to know.


Using Covert Ops makes me brain dead, leaving me to only think about BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. Very often, the blood spilled ends up being mine.

ECM is best defensive, good for assists.


Covert Ops is offensive, but know how to GTFO.


Recon, I’m working on, some days…


For weapon choices on interceptors, electronic guidance is valuable.


If you really want assists, go engineer or command.  Today I got 46 assists as a command ship, and a Fear Me.  Good luck getting that many assists in anything but a command or engineer.  BTW, assists don’t help DSR.

I am aware of microwrap. I have a t3 dwarf ship and have just played enough to decide what kinda playstyle i preffer :slight_smile:


And that is why i go here to become wiser and to start going in the right direction! :slight_smile: gonna start going for covert ops instead right away! :) 

Recons use to be the weakest inty in T2 and pick it up in T3, after 0.9 patch and buff to proximity mines, and recent nerfs to CovOps, Recons became very strong starting from T2. I would argue that they are better on utility than covops and have almost the same dmg potential, add to this they survivability and you have a winner. ECMs on other part are completely different ships.

If you scroll through this thread

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20845-interceptor-guide/)

you can find some screens/suggestions on what people use in t3+