Interceptor gameplay



part 3 24.01.2015

I never thought you were playing in such a small screen. Amazing aim as expected.


Now let’s wait for the people saying “don’t do objetives, dsr farmer, kill stealer, etc”  :lol:

*bows down* 


Sensei, You are a master of the Interceptor class. Please teach me your ways! 


Whats the purpose of the flares though? to ward off EM torps? 


I would love to have another duel with you to help me learn how to dogfight like you. 


And whats the purpose of not having the plasma arc? And 3K damage means your pulling some serious crit build on. 

*Thumb up* I recommend a mechanical keyboard, the key are non-resistance and it’s like a type writer, makes me want to throw my office keyboard in the trashcan. It’s like flying a jet fighter compare to a Boeing 777, very responsive keys.

Also you need to move in to live with me I have 7-8 ping here in US! :lol: Watching you flying like that is already making my head dizzy lol I fly interceptor like a frigate XD.

*bows down* 


Sensei, You are a master of the Interceptor class. Please teach me your ways! 


Whats the purpose of the flares though? to ward off EM torps? 


I would love to have another duel with you to help me learn how to dogfight like you. 


And whats the purpose of not having the plasma arc? And 3K damage means your pulling some serious crit build on. 


I think Arc is for frigate only and pretty useless on fast flying interceptor and fighters except ecm when they cocooning.

Whats the purpose of the flares though? to ward off EM torps? 


Anti Tackler device. Low Cooldown and low energy cost. Activating it will make you immune to slow actives.

Those video r really interesting… and flying  like that requires a very specific implants configuration…


But the really important thing here is the way speed tanking work…Or better sayng: does it work? Wacthing toose videos i can see that 90% of the time takamina is flying with adaptative switched off…coz he nearly never hits the max speed and the strafing lower the max speed a little more too… I love strafing too and i use adaptative on ceptors too… tbh i think that adapatative works well just when u r trying to escape enemies fire… Otherwise u r not trying to dogfight at full speed all the time like a headless cicken…

Anti Tackler device. Low Cooldown and low energy cost. Activating it will make you immune to slow actives.


What? Really? It’s like combat reboot… wish i had known this in advance lol

Those video r really interesting… and flying  like that requires a very specific implants configuration…


But the really important thing here is the way speed tanking work…Or better sayng: does it work? Wacthing toose videos i can see that 90% of the time takamina is flying with adaptative switched off…coz he nearly never hits the max speed and the strafing lower the max speed a little more too… I love strafing too and i use adaptative on ceptors too… tbh i think that adapatative works well just when u r trying to escape enemies fire… Otherwise u r not trying to dogfight at full speed all the time like a headless cicken…


Adaptatives turn on at 50% of max speed as far as I know.


What? Really? It’s like combat reboot… wish i had known this in advance lol


Yes, if you use R8 Fed Implant, of course.

Do you use one or two anti-derp engine(collision something)?


Anyway I will one day get skill like that!

I think Arc is for frigate only and pretty useless on fast flying interceptor and fighters except ecm when they cocooning.


Hmm, I’m tending to agree. Another viable option is the White Noise Module, as only 90% of the players cant do jack squat when they cant target. Only the remaining 10% like me can lead a target with out help. 


And slowing down to plasma arc is nigh a sure way to die. So yes, making do without it is a good idea. But the play style has to change. 


Anti Tackler device. Low Cooldown and low energy cost. Activating it will make you immune to slow actives.


Hmm…With that implant it certainly seems so. I need to make sure it can deflect Torps. 



Do you use one or two anti-derp engine(collision something)?


Anyway I will one day get skill like that!


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22125-takamina-builds-co/#entry246346)

Adaptatives turn on at 50% of max speed as far as I know.



Yes, if you use R8 Fed Implant, of course.

Ok wait resideente…As far as i know adaptatives turn on at 50% of the AB speed example: speed is 400 AB speed is 500: adaptatives turn on at 450… Am i right? If this is true taka is flying out of adaptatives nearly all the time…


And if u using flares like anti tackler mod, coz of teh fed nr 8 implant, the shield regeng already wprk like that coz tehy both r multipurpose modules :wink:

Ok wait resideente…As far as i know adaptatives turn on at 50% of the AB speed example: speed is 400 AB speed is 500: adaptatives turn on at 450… Am i right? If this is true taka is flying out of adaptatives nearly all the time…


And if u using flares like anti tackler mod, coz of teh fed nr 8 implant, the shield regeng already wprk like that coz tehy both r multipurpose modules :wink:

As far as I know, yeah, that is how adaptative works.

Ok wait resideente…As far as i know adaptatives turn on at 50% of the AB speed example: speed is 400 AB speed is 500: adaptatives turn on at 450… Am i right? If this is true taka is flying out of adaptatives nearly all the time…


And if u using flares like anti tackler mod, coz of teh fed nr 8 implant, the shield regeng already wprk like that coz tehy both r multipurpose modules :wink:


The more multipurpose the more times you can deal with slows.

The videos were made to support Interceptors, hoping for players wanting to play them and stop camping with frigballs. Thanks for viewing.

Its always a pleasure flying with you Taka. Frakking awesome. 

Just tried to use the same build, but without an extra Electronic Guidance seems impossible for me to have such a high hit ratio with the Sharpnel…





for some reason the analyzer doesnt show anything but kills and assist

So nice! Arr, makes me lust for an Eagle!

first post updated.