Interceptor class guide

Define in “any” direction )

Define in “any” direction )

You can google that yourself. :wink:

PS: game mechanics such as adaptive shield are easily tested in a custom battle, usually faster than digging for outdated dev posts xD

You can google that yourself. :wink:

There are quite a few directions that it is impossible to achieve Adaptives activation, so i am not the one that should look up a definition of “any direction” :slight_smile:


PS: game mechanics such as adaptive shield are easily tested in a custom battle, usually faster than digging for outdated dev posts xD

Exactly, did you test it?

There are some interceptors (i.e. empire with multiple engines +multiple hulls that come close to strafe adaptives, but those are not “valid” builds, not even close to those) but neither Jericho or Federation interceptors are capable of achieving that.

Here is an example of Takaminas build:



Adaptives will work as soon as he hits 509.5 in any vector, BUT the only achievable vectors are utilizing W, i .e. frontal arc of directions, so Combining max forward plus max strafe you will have adaptive, than if you let go of W, you will still have adaptive for brief period of forward deceleration, and then no more adaptive for you.

 His strafing value is 248 it is nowhere near of adaptives brake point. 

Another point people should realise Strafing AB does NOT increase max strafing speed, AB with strafe ONLY affect strafing acceleration, upon achieving max strafe speed value you should let go of AB because it is pointless (unless you are moving forward as well or starting to accelerate in other vectors)

Full strafing adaptive are very possible, but on T4-T5 gunships under overdrive, even than you have to use all engines for strafing engines (not sure you can even do so in T3- with compensators)

There could be some ships here and there that could possibly are hitting their strafing adaptives with combination of heavy armour platings with strafing engines, since platings will drop brake point without affecting strafe values, but those are rather exceptions, if even exists (possibly with mk4 strafe engines, that i don’t have).

Exactly, did you test it?

Sure I did, I fly mainly interceptors, and before I fit a module that comes with a dubious description I like to know how it works. :wink:

Speed builds like the one you posted you’ll need to pulse W once in a while to keep adaptives up during an engagement but then it’s no problem. Slower ships are easier to adaptive strafe. Remember that you can strafe vertically + horizontally at the same time, plus there is some inertia. If you go for a full strafe fit you can also also adaptive-strafe in just one direction but those fits are only really viable on empire frigates IMHO.

Oh and important detail to note in that context is that adaptives turn on when you strafe faster than your max forward speed, no matter your max afterburning speed (you may think that a bug based on certain dev statements that I know as well, but the item description is so wide that it certainly covers that behaviour). That’s what can can make the full strafe builds that strafe faster than they go forward interesting because you can adaptive tank without expending any energy.

Going full Strafe is the best move I have ever made, ever.