Inquisitor AE Build

So I heard from somewhere that we should just put specific ships and have vets/knowledgeable players pool together their ship builds. For each ship we list weapon specs, active modules and ship modifiers. So here is the Inquisitor AE.

The RU wiki says that it has 2 CPU slots but I think it had 3 last time. Not ingame right now. Anyways I’ll just go off my build based on the RU. Generally it’d be the same. (Edit: It has 3)

Heavy Blaster - Ammo that decrease range but increases attack - Mines

EM Field - Shield Booster - Multiphase Shield Adapter/Repair Kit - Reverse Thruster

1 Galvanized Armor

2 Thermal Shield Resists, 1 EM Shield Resist

1 Power Relay (RU Translation) it gives increased shield regen but decreases energy regen

1 Shared Cooler

3 IR (Increases Crit chance)


Short Ranged heavy blaster means I specialize in damage and don’t bother using CPU for reducing spread or increasing range. EM Field allows me to get close (speed up then cloak and pivot towards enemies). Target people who are already focused on one of your teammates and shred them. If they spot you use the multipurpose modules and activate the RT when you get to hull. Make sure you got room to back up XD. Leave mines if it’s team battle. Save mines for beacons. Use a torp if you can finish them off.

I suggest one of the admins rename it into
“T5 Jericho guards LRFs”

And we keep it “standardized” for everything else as well, having a separte thread for eevry single ship is just a chaotic forum mess.

I see. Good idea but this is Jericho LRF. How do we make it so people can find multiple builds for the same ship easily?

Could you check the modifier slots for me please? Not ingame

I have yet to find a single ship that would be wrong on Module layout here


P.S. It looks like now they filled in all these slots with default MK1 setup you obtain with the ship, that you proceed to take off and use your own instead :smiley:

I dunno. It feels weird that a rank 14 ship doesn’t have 9 slots. Is that the norm?

Yeah you right, same thing with a Mauler, it use to be fine though since i know for sure i have checked Mauler multiple times, but it was back then when there were no preset builds on the page, i guess something got screwed up. Ill pass the info.


EDIT: Apparently those pages are generated automatically by some kind of script that pools data from the server, there were some kind of a bug in the scrip that missed some modules for some ships, should be fixed in next patch.

So what is the layout? 3 CPUs?

yeah 3

I have been checking this topic recently, so I have decided to post my build. I love to destroy enemies before they even realize you see them. Close range is compensated with reverse thruster module, so you can quickly leave the battlefield.The best ship for Team battle or combat recon mode.



Cloak with Strafe speed passive makes no sense whatsoever. The CPU slots also make no sense; you could’ve added a Horizon to compensate fort he usage of the Reverse Thruster and that ammo. Torpedoes or Octopus would be a nice addition, as well. No repair modules means you’re free game to anyone that DOES see you.

I have been checking this topic recently, so I have decided to post my build. I love to destroy enemies before they even realize you see them. Close range is compensated with reverse thruster module, so you can quickly leave the battlefield.The best ship for Team battle or combat recon mode.




From what I see I guess you’re using a weird set of implants. Could you show it too? 

well, its your opinion, thanks anyway, but the cpu thing… heavy blaster has big spread, i don’t want it, so I have that module. And the range is fine for me, I don’t usually die that quickly, so i have got time to activate reverse thruster. Mines…why mines…let me guess, are there mines because of the enemy interceptors? The thing is, I can get close to enemies during combat recon deal as much damage as i can with HB, while the covops/recons lock on me, I use mines, activate RT, and activate torpedo twice, so the torpedo will blow up. I’ll be far enough so all these things won’t harm me, but the ceptors will be dead (I have got problem with enemy emergency barreir). And, Horizon won’t really compensate the ammo, tho, its horrible right now. So my goal with this ship is dealing as much damage to enemy.



From what I see I guess you’re using a weird set of implants. Could you show it too? 

ok why not, but remember, I don’t throw money to this, so i have got one set for all ships, so i guess, I want great speed, things for inqui S etc.


Then use my build. High spread on a close range heavy blaster doesn’t matter. I’ll keep the mines though.

Residente, could you please put your standard build for Inquisitor AE here?

ok why not, but remember, I don’t throw money to this, so i have got one set for all ships, so i guess, I want great speed, things for inqui S etc.



If you don’t mind, I will point you why 2 of those implants are poorly chosen for your ship.


Implant number 5: Jericho one will give you a pointless 3% speed, while Federation will give you an insane 75% strafe speed. Considering you’re using a Inertial Stabilizer, I’ll tell you that with Federation implant, and a Catalyst Injector on the Engine slot instead you would have better strafe and speed than what you have now. I still don’t recommend the Catalyst Injector.


Implant number 6: Empire one gives you a mediocre 7% weapon damage, while Federation one will give you 30% Critical Damage. Why you should be using that implant instead? Because you’re using 2 TTC to get critical damage instead of using an implant that gives you more than one of them. If you use that implant and change your 2 TTC for 2 Infrared Scanners you will deal more damage per second. You will have 80% critical damage instead of 90 but you will double your critical chance.


About modules. Considering you’re using Jericho 5 and Federation 9, I assume you like a decent speed on your ship. For that reason, using an Armor-Plated Hull is not convenient for your ship. First of all because of the ship’s poor hull. It wont increase that much and if the enemy gets your shield, it doesn’t matter if you have 6 or 8k hull because you will die very fast. Armor-Plated Hull is decreasing the speed of your ship, and that makes no sense if you’re using 2 implants just to have more speed. I’d recommend even using Reinforced Beams if what you want is some extra hull (pretty pointless with that low resistances).

Shield Projection Splitter is also a weird option if you like speed. Having 2.5 acceleration is pretty painful if you ask me. If I were you I’d put only 1 of them and change the second one for Thermal resistance.

Considering the extremely low range of your weapon due to Curved Reflectors, having low acceleration is going to make it harder for you.



Residente, could you please put your standard build for Inquisitor AE here?


I don’t own an Inquisitor AE, but I’d go with the same playstyle I have had with the Ira Deus:

Engine: Vernier or Inertial Stabilizer 

Capacitor: Leak Stabilizer or EB

Shield: EM resist, Thermal resist, Raw shield

Hull: Raw hull or Kinetic resist

CPU: Horizon + crit modules

Weapon: Positron or Coil Mortar

Active Modules: EM field, Shield and Hull regen and either Shield resistance or IR Pulsar.

Active Modules: EM field, Shield and Hull regen and either Shield resistance or IR Pulsar.

You definitely need the speed bonus for the Torpedo. You’re a Frigate. Unless they’re shooting at you with non-laser guns from 3km+, IR is not gonna do a damned thing to protect you.

You definitely need the speed bonus for the Torpedo. You’re a Frigate. Unless they’re shooting at you with non-laser guns from 3km+, IR is not gonna do a damned thing to protect you.


I like the IR because when you get a bunch of lock ons you can do good for the whole team disabling them for 30 seconds. I also barely use the torpedo. I like shooting with main weapons. 

You’d actually need them to lock onto you, though. You can bait them to do that, but it’s hard without dying horribly.

You’d actually need them to lock onto you, though. You can bait them to do that, but it’s hard without dying horribly.


It’s not hard considering the state of T5…