Ingame abuse

Thought Id start a thread purely for screenshots of friendly players :lol:


I think he likes me (GM’s / Admins - Pls note I am not posting this here for any further action to be taken - Its just so everyone can have a good laugh at the abuse that gets sent ingame :yes_yes: )




This resulted from myself and 2 corp friends paying T1 a visit last night :lol:

Good times were had down there. Might make another visit again tonight.

There is no pride in shooting peasants with machineguns. 

There is no pride in shooting peasants with machineguns. 


 This resulted from killing the player once at the start of the match :kamikadze:


And tbh we had a right laugh in T1 last night, not enjoyed this game that much since pre 0.9 patches

Those… life threatens! *calls the authorities*

Yea, there are 2 types of people when they PM you out of nowhere:


  2. The awed and inspired by your score; wants to steal your body, soul and secrets!


Tell me what else i’ve missed :stuck_out_tongue:

Hows your family today, Kipps?



Please use the in game report system.