Information for Beta players

Please read this before you start playing or posting about problems.

1)Dont post any information about Closed Beta on open Forums. No bug reports, No questions, No screenshots…

-If there is any question that needs an answer and isnt answered in this post, feel free to message me.

2)If you want to post anything and you cant see the beta forums please post on this thread:

3)If you want to enter the game use your email as log in id and the password from yuplay.

If you cant type @ on the log in window, copy and paste it with ctrl+c and ctrl +v from another window.

If you still get the message wrong id or password try to log in on first before you post.

Since the game went into open beta today, are we allowed to now post screenshots and/or videos on open forums?

Most people I talked to have no idea that this game exists and its hard to drum up interest with a dry description of how awesome it is…

I got some bitching gameplay recorded id like to share.

I will check this and give you an answer the next days.

You are now allowed to post where ever you want.

so there will be no more wipe? i wish the game had jericho before going into OB … for if it will be a wipe it should not be called OB but CB with NDA lifted … and if it wont be a wipe when jericho is added i’ll be stuck with the fed ships … since i chose fed ships to see how they play after the wipe … or maybe the jericho starter ships will cost nothing to get …hope thats the case if no more wipe

is this a official game or still reset level & everything in future

so there will be no more wipe? i wish the game had jericho before going into OB … for if it will be a wipe it should not be called OB but CB with NDA lifted … and if it wont be a wipe when jericho is added i’ll be stuck with the fed ships … since i chose fed ships to see how they play after the wipe … or maybe the jericho starter ships will cost nothing to get …hope thats the case if no more wipe

I have the same concern, it is strange to go into Open Beta without announcing it publicly before-hand, introducing Jericho into the game and pointing out whether or not there will be another character wipe.

Given the circumstances i’d say that there will indeed be a wipe when Jericho is implemented into the game, but one cant be too sure.

At the moment there is no information if there will be a wipe or not, but as soon as I get to know it I will post it.

Finally I got some information and there wont be anymore wipes.

thx for the info … now i need to stress that i want Jericho added :slight_smile:

And i have a Information for all German Players :slight_smile:

We have a German Thread for Questions and any more :slight_smile:

[]( pid 82712#entry82712)

Jericho will be added, but you need to wait :wink:

hmm i see the game is updating … hopefully it adds Jericho :smiley:

Patch is 1,5 GB big =)

Nop, mostly some bugfixes.

yea i had some things to do so i couldnt enter the game till now … and now when i tried to enter it says the client is corupted and that i need to repair or reinstall … tried repair and nothing … i’ll have to install again :frowning:

You need to uninstall and delete all files and than reinstall it.

Dam so looking forward to the Jericho ships i was like YES at last then NO but i am happy enough i guess with a large bug fix patch.

download 1kb/s - 30~50kb/s =.="

i hate this update

i downloaded with 5mb/s and my client got corrupted when i patched first … uninstalled and installed the game again … this time patched with 1mb/s and it works again :smiley: … guess it depends on the net connection and where u are to get high speeds … thou i dont really have a problem downloading/patching anything doesnt matter where its from … i always have at least 500 kb/s or so :slight_smile: