Information about Public Test Server

What is a Public Test Server?

Public Test Server — is a space independent from the regular game world, that is used to mass-test upcoming updates.


Test time:

  1. Test server will only be available for a couple of hours several days before each update launch.
  2. More info about the test server launch will be divulged in the ‘[PT: News](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/335-ptnews/)’ section. Follow the news!

Testing process:

  1. A special pre-final version of updates will be loaded to the PT server.
  2. A new thread with a list of updates will be posted in ‘[PT: News](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/335-ptnews/)’.

Please note, that forum threads will not have complete change logs. They will only contain those points that we’d like you to focus on.
Please, do not waste time looking for things that are not on the list. Remember, that your time to test the new features is limited.

  1. A special thread for your impressions will be posted in ‘[T](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/336-ptdiscussions/)[est: Discussion](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/336-ptdiscussions/)’.
    Some hints and tips:
  • Only post when you actually try the update. Your actual experience is paramount;

  • Try your best to write in detail and stay on topic;

  • If you find a bug, please post it to ‘Test: Bugs’ according to the rules.

  1. Please do your best to help super-testers arrange large-scale battles. More info on ST tasks will be mentioned in announcement threads or in game chat.

Access and accounts:

  1. Server is open to everyone regardless of development and number of battles you’ve completed.

  2. You have to enter the server with your Gaijin account. If your Steam or Arc accounts are still not linked, please do this beforehand.

  • Manuals on linking Steam and Arc accounts.
  1. To enter the server you have to copy your account data. Here’s how:
  • Open the game and enter the general server.

  • Open game options.

  • Open the ‘Account’ section.

  • Press ‘Synchronization’.


Your account will automatically be copied to the PT server with the same login and password. Your account keeps the ships, modules, implants, synergy, credits, Galactic Standards, portraits, taunts, etc.
You won’t keep the data on: corporation, leaderboards and statistics.
4. Download the test client.
5. Enter your login and password.

Test client installation.

  • Download and unpack the [](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=21855&key=ef5c044ec35572c0abb3ff62fe956da3).

  • Run the file.

  • Make sure the client is being installed in a folder different from the original client.


By playing on the test server, you get to be one of the first pilots to see updates that are still a copule of days away.

Public test server is meant to test upcoming updates and might not accomodate all the pilots. However, anyone can enter the server if there are free spots left.