Increase Game Population

Star Conflict has never had a high level of active players when compared to most other games of this type. A large number of players pass right by it in Steam, Arc, and other places because they have never heard of it and are after more widely advertised franchises. The of the players who do start to get into the game a large percentage get frustrated with the slow grind, and eventually quit instead of paying money for a Premium status and packs that do not give them all that much.

If advertisements for Star Conflict became more widespread the number of players entering the game for the first time would drastically increase, and if premium bonuses and item drop rates from packs were increased, more of them would remain with the game. A large number of people each paying a little can easily surpass the amount of money paid by a few hardcore players.

Pros:   Larger community, toxic players seem few and far between, shorter game queues 

Cons: Cost of advertising, upgrading servers to cope with possible load increase

I was shocked to see I found this game at least 3 years after it was released, I really like these kind of games.

  • I even played War Thunder for quite some time but this game is so isolated that it managed to stay under my radar.


Sadly they seem to be content with our Russian population - I am sure they thought about advertising.

The thing I want most is this game to have much more players. I hope it happens someday.

I found this game by looking for the latest space games in google (back in the day), saw some youtube videos but didnt like it. Time passed and i dont remember why, but i got the thing to download the game and try it…why not. Then i got crazy in the first minute of the tutorial xD

I found this game back when I was still playing Warthunder(huge mistake)and I was looking on the official site just cuz I was bored,saw Star Conflict,clicked on it,and my life changed!Not into something better obiviously.

There was no advertisement, even back then, in Open Beta. I found out about this game from a friend.

Of course, out of 12 friends that we used to play together, I am the only one left.

Who is to blame and why, in my opinion? Gaijin, because of their lack of advertisement for Star Conflict.

It’s still the same.

I wonder if the developing team is the same as back when it was released…

I have given up on Star Conflict ever getting a large population. First, even if they do advertise, they have missed the bandwagon now. Those that are interested in space games are hyped for the countless other, better looking, more modern, with larger funding space games, like Star Citizen. I mean come on,  Star Conflict looks old and shabby let’s just admit it. We can’t even resize the chat boxes or move them around on the screen! It’s an old engine. But the few of us who still play it now, enjoy the actual gameplaynd can look past these small issues. I think that’s how it will remain.

Also don’t forget the summer slump guys. In September, numbers should go up again if there is new content!

And if a dev comes here saying “more people use the launcher than steam so don’t trust those numbers”, to them I say: this is the wrong attitude. Maybe in Russia people don’t use Steam, but in the west, all gamers use steam as a means to find new games and socialise, and if a game isn’t on steam, it will only get noticed by massive advertisement or by word of mouth.


25 minutes ago, millanbel said:

I have given up on Star Conflict ever getting a large population. First, even if they do advertise, they have missed the bandwagon now. Those that are interested in space games are hyped for the countless other, better looking, more modern, with larger funding space games, like Star Citizen. I mean come on,  Star Conflict looks old and shabby let’s just admit it. We can’t even resize the chat boxes or move them around on the screen! It’s an old engine. But the few of us who still play it now, enjoy the actual gameplaynd can look past these small issues. I think that’s how it will remain.

Also don’t forget the summer slump guys. In September, numbers should go up again if there is new content!

And if a dev comes here saying “more people use the launcher than steam so don’t trust those numbers”, to them I say: this is the wrong attitude. Maybe in Russia people don’t use Steam, but in the west, all gamers use steam as a means to find new games and socialise, and if a game isn’t on steam, it will only get noticed by massive advertisement or by word of mouth.

I think Star Conflict’s graphics still hold up (I don’t even play on the highest settings). Any better and my PC wouldn’t like it.

I saw the game 3 years ago when it released on Steam’s F2P. Have gotten 125 hours out of it. I’ve been a Warframe member for a little while longer but have 1750 hours in that. I do 99% PVE. Back in my day there was no Open Space and probably already have 50 hours in Open Space. Don’t see many people in the PVE Open Space areas but its fun to work together to kill aliens. Hopefully it will grow…

Oh yeah graphics are really nice, but the hangar UI is ancient.

5 minutes ago, millanbel said:

Oh yeah graphics are really nice, but the hangar UI is ancient.

Oh gotcha. I don’t mind it. Hasn’t changed too much in 3 years since I started. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

guys Star Conflict had times when you couldn’t enter pvp for days because lack of players… I’d say population is increasing. imo there are two reasons for this game’s little popularity  1. complete lack of advertisement 2. In the begging it had awful community management making players give up and leave - this changed now and look game is growing but damage is done…

30 minutes ago, Phalnax811 said:

Oh gotcha. I don’t mind it. Hasn’t changed too much in 3 years since I started. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Oh yeah, I don’t mind either, but I’m just saying for someone new starting out in the game, it looks so old!

It’s all about the scale of the project. Star Conflict, by its existing for more than four years, proves that even a small team can create a decent MMO f2p game without million dollar budget. For success we don’t need WoT numbers fro example. But we have some advertisement, on Steam for example and a couple of banners on game websites. We actually consider our tutorial videos as an add also, as well as all the created media content)

27 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

It’s all about the scale of the project. Star Conflict, by its existing for more than four years, proves that even a small team can create a decent MMO f2p game without million dollar budget. For success we don’t need WoT numbers fro example. But we have some advertisement, on Steam for example and a couple of banners on game websites. We actually consider our tutorial videos as an add also, as well as all the created media content)

We know that in RU prime you get couple thousands of players online simultaneously, unfortunately in NA prime you are barrely hitting 1k, and couple hours after NA prime your population falls to hundreads ((  

1 hour ago, CinnamonFake said:

It’s all about the scale of the project. Star Conflict, by its existing for more than four years, proves that even a small team can create a decent MMO f2p game without million dollar budget. For success we don’t need WoT numbers fro example. But we have some advertisement, on Steam for example and a couple of banners on game websites. We actually consider our tutorial videos as an add also, as well as all the created media content)

Very true, it was always a small project and you have accomplished a lot, don’t get me wrong! But that is mainly with a Russian community. This forum is a testimony to that. I see the same 20 people posting all the time. Very rarely any fresh faces.

34 minutes ago, millanbel said:

 Very rarely any fresh faces.

Hey now, my face is fresh every new day!

Oh god no, not you as well tillo

27 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:


Hmm, I’m sure I saw so purple pokemon stuff in your post

Before hoping to increase the game population, they should really stop nerfing what makes this game funny :

  • Monocristal drop, oh yes we can find monocristal elsewhere but you will need to play a lot more hours.

  • Neodium/beryllium nerf drop. Another great idea to drastically increase the grind. From 80% drop rate (on fire support) after the introduction, I now get something like 5% ? Maybe less. Yeah I can be unlucky, that’s right but on a long long serie, the stats don’t lie.

  • Daily reward login change. What ? What is this fabulous idea ? I remember when I could get a free premium bonus every week, it helped me a lot to build my SP (Ronin and Octopus, 2 in three years)… But this disappeared to be replaced by an average daily bonus, not bad after all but this seemed to be too much… You changed for a “lucky container”, only twice I got a mono. Not enough to compensate the loss.

  • Ninja difficulty increase. Ok that’s fine, you increased the Fire support difficulty, adding almighty butchers which can fry a dessie in no time. Because when you play in pick up, almost every player is trying to rush the snipers (which give more points), letting you be fried. It’s only an example.

  • The new player bash. Ah thank you… I wanted to check what people said on forum (new players “gift” when they reach another level), so I created a new account and I checked. Do you want to get rid of veteran ?

I asked your support team to remove my account and all related informations from your data base.

Game population is good as it is. There are thousands of Russians who play the game every day.