Instead of mixing the ships up please just make it so we can specialize in whatever kind of ship we want, right now we have to waste $ on ships we may never fly. Oh and thanks for ruining my Ginger that I paid tons of creds on. Why don’t you guys just let us reselect our ships, considering how drastically you altered them.
Instead of mixing the ships up please just make it so we can specialize in whatever kind of ship we want, right now we have to waste $ on ships we may never fly. Oh and thanks for ruining my Ginger that I paid tons of creds on. Why don’t you guys just let us reselect our ships, considering how drastically you altered them.
As a frigate flyer myself, the changes recently made have disterbed me. I favor the Federalist’s ships and frigates purely for their stats and abilities. I was perfectly happy until they attempted to balance the game-play by modifying all the ships. Now, the Alligator-C frigate that i had was no longer a bad xxxx fighting machine with repairing combat drones, but some oversized piece of xxxx with phase shields. Now i mean no disrespect to those who utilize phase shields or the creators of the game, but i want to let it be known that i disagree with how the creators went about this. IF they wanted to balance the gameplay, it makes perfect sense to have to remove 2 of the cannon slots on the ship to give the smaller ships a chance, but it was uncalled for to change the abilities. Each ship was special and had their own variations of abilities. The sub factions separated the specs of the ship and made you choose what was more valuable in your own gameplay style, but now the ships have all been demeaned to share abilities and took away the very things that separated them. To any higher-up reading this, i only ask one thing: make it so that the ability slot is able to be changed like the rest of the specialty modulus. I understand that the previous change may have been for the better, but not for me and maybe some of you. Image if you could choose and buy the ability for each of your ships.The abilities could run deeper than just changing what the press of the G key would do, but could also change the stats of your ship like increasing or lowering the shield and hull stats of that ship.If any of you agree with me, make your voice be heard too. Help in my cause, help me get this noticed for the better good of the game Star Conflict.
I don’t like the way Fox-M has a less useful bonus as compared to the Fox. Fed ships are the least bothered by energy consumption, so the Fox-M’s bonus is pretty minor as compared to what the Fox has. That said, it does help lower rank pilots make up for the loss of 2 implants, and quite a bit of module slots here and there.
Empire seems to have the least missing bonuses on their ships currently, the majority of their ships get 10% main weapon damage and considering they also tank the hardest; this doesn’t seem very balanced. Maybe add some ROF bonuses to Fed and missile damage bonuses for Jericho to even things up?