Inconsistency with obstacles blocking effects

Most modules get blocked no matter if it’s a station/beacon or an asteroid in the way due to line of sight being cut.


I recently noticed that, for example, the anomaly generator gets blocked by asteroids, no matter which size, but not by stations or beacons. Same with torpedos.


Is this working as intended?

Most modules get blocked no matter if it’s a station/beacon or an asteroid in the way due to line of sight being cut.


I recently noticed that, for example, the anomaly generator gets blocked by asteroids, no matter which size, but not by stations or beacons. Same with torpedos.


Is this working as intended?

Anom generator is activated by beacons. In fact is a good tactic to shoot at the beacon and try to kill the people swarming around.


Same with detonation stations.

Torp is still better for that

Torp is still better for that


Not really, torp is much slower, and anomaly can be a surprise m****, ask rakza about that.


I will keep using torp tho, but I’ve seen anomaly working better against beacons than torps.