Inaccurate scoring

In team battle and survive mode when more players get in the battle the score limit scales up but it’s ends up inaccurate.



My team has 6 kills and the enemy team has 4 kills but they got the lead.

Logs: [2017.02.27 10.17.51.ZIP](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13545)
Time: 10:39 am


Maybe some guys crashed into rocks or self destructed before being shot at?

“Spawn kill” count as -3. The other team got 4 kills, -1, -1, -1, -3 add up to -7 total which is 50-7=43. This is why sometimes survival team battle ends in 1 minutes, or 7 seconds in tournament if they all self destruct when spawned.

20 hours ago, Milfeulle said:

“Spawn kill” count as -3. The other team got 4 kills, -1, -1, -1, -3 add up to -7 total which is 50-7=43. This is why sometimes survival team battle ends in 1 minutes, or 7 seconds in tournament if they all self destruct when spawned.

I know that I self-destructed once, because I took wrong ship. 45 went down to 42, so for like 3 kills! Wanted to report that there is indeed an issue with this and clearly a bug!

This happened in today’s tournament.



Enemy got 6 kill but in score they got 10.
I think you guys are right, it could be self destruct, because we got -3 points too fast, I not even got out from the spawn invulnerability.

This is still an issue and it’s not the self destruct.
I was in a 3v3 battle we got the lead, then 2 guys joined mid-battle and we almost lost with 3 more kills than them. There wasn’t any self destruct for sure.




[Logs: 2017.04.23 09.54.01.ZIP](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14042)
Time: 10:09am

That feature is absurd. It basically makes players ignore the real battle, to go spawn kill guys. 


It’s totally unfair. 

On the other hand it gives you a chance to come back in a game where you started several kills behind, so I don’t think its the worst feature they have in the game.

32 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

Kill in spawn count as 3 pts ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) so… Feature not a bug.

For reals ? ![:alien2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/alien2.png “:alien2:”)  What else counts as 3 kills?

27 minutes ago, Cr0 said:

On the other hand it gives you a chance to come back in a game where you started several kills behind, so I don’t think its the worst feature they have in the game.

On what basis should spawn kill gives more point? 


These game modes are about the team that does the most kills. Why should you win with less kills then the other team?


 I made a game where one team had 26 kills, but lost to a team that had only 14. 

It makes no sense at all. 


This is so absurd ![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/facepalm.png “:facepalm:”) ![:alien2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/alien2.png “:alien2:”) ![:alien2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/alien2.png “:alien2:”)

From my point of view. It encourages attack strategies. Take into consideration, at least in survival game mode (i don’t like this game mode), without this you are promoting LRF in spawn point shooting from 9000m. If your team overuse defensive tactics and they stay in spawn point you can go for them and get 3 points instead of 1.

Maybe if a player it do self destruct it should count as -1 point instead of -3 in spawn point, but nobody should self-destruct.

I spawned in the range of an anomaly generator there is not much tactics to it, it was luck that I killed someone from grave with my shoot.


![:alien2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/alien2.png “:alien2:”)

It’s also very fun to spawn in range of a laser vigilant. Best 0.01 seconds of gameplay ever!