Impressions from a very junior player

I’m not sure were to begin. I’ve only fought a handful of battles, and getting used to the ship controls has been interesting. I originally came from the WOT community that was a bit toxic at times. Here, I have noticed that the higher level players seem to want to help. Not sure if that is due to a smaller community or what that may be.


Unlike WOT, this is a 3D battle field, were WOT is 3D, but on a 2D plain, I hope that makes sense. The only other game I could compare it to would be WOWP the arcade fighter version of WOT. This is better than WOWP  in my opinion. Seems to be more flexible. I do not mention the games by name here as I don’t know the policy in naming other games here. In WOT it is a ban-able offense.


What I miss is that there is no clear forum area for guys to post what you should be trying to do in each tier ship. I just try to stay near my ship mates and support in my tier one and two ships. In a way, I try to operate things as I would in the tank game and pop in and out of cover, never staying to long in one spot. And what little I have seen is kind of hard for me to follow.


I do like the medals and stuff.


One thing I noticed is that if the other team finds your spawn point, you are toast early on. I have had this happen in two PVP games I’ve played. Very frustrating.


I am also a bit unclear on what PVP and PVE is. I just get in and fight. The mission are okay, but they don’t excite me. As it is, I am only at tho two lower tiers and am just trying to learn a bit before tier 3.


Game graphics: Seem to run smoothly on my lap top. And I like the graphics so far.



Yo, nice to read up from early game experience.

Yes, the playerbase is small, and there are few tutorials around, but in defense, many things just start to be solid enough to even do so (i learned much through the forums, its interesting to read on, even offtopic discussions; there are many aspects of playing the game which have no “definitive answers”)

The spawn points are fixed. Defending your spawnpoints is one of your “unmentioned objectives”, however, you will notice, initially you get spawn protection;

PvP is player versus player

and PvE is player versus environment (so coop with bots)

Your first impressions however cover much of the general gameplay, this is the closed beta forum for invasion (the game mode where you can dock out the station and do… stuff…), just saying, you might get less readers :slight_smile:

Welcome to the game!



I think you are confusing tier with class, but i will outline it anyway


Tier 1–Beginner tier, learn the controls here.

Tier 2–Learn about fitting a ship. Classes matter more in battles.

Tier 3–Majority of the population here, it is suited well to both individuals and squads.

Tier 4–Grinding tier, most people only play PVE in this tier.

Tier 5–End game, Sector Conquest

Thank you both for your input in this mater. Anything that you correct me on makes me a better player. Perhaps in time, I can move up to your level.



Concerning some guides and information, most of them are really outdated, but the general information is still valid. If you have some knowledge of spanish you can try my youtube channel have there gameplay videos of several classes, as well as commented tutorials for each class in game. Gameplay is either without comments or with english chat. Tutorials are all in spanish.


You will find people here to be more friendly than in WoT. And this game is much better than WoWp.


Concerning Blade’s list, let me correct one point.



I think you are confusing tier with class, but i will outline it anyway


Tier 1–Beginner tier, learn the controls here.

Tier 2–Learn about fitting a ship. Classes matter more in battles.

Tier 3–Majority of the population here, it is suited well to both individuals and squads.

Tier 4–Rank 11 and 12 have the same slots for modules than tier 5 ships. Good tier for learning end game.

Tier 5–End game, Sector Conquest


Finally the main difference between PvE and PvP, is that in PvP you will get more synergy (experience) to improve your ships and unlock new tiers, while in PvE you will get way more credits, so is more for credit farming. Some contracts can be done also in PvE, and sometimes are easier to complete there.


Another thing worth noting is that in PvE you will have one daily guaranteed purple item to upgrade one Mk3 module to Mk4 without spending artifacts.

What I miss is that there is no clear forum area for guys to post what you should be trying to do in each tier ship.

Welcome to the game. The forum area you posted in is about the Invasion closed beta test, so you posted off-topic anyway. The forum section you were looking for exists and is here: [](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/177-game-discussion/)


And this every game is much better than WoWp.


Welcome to the game.


If you want to learn more go here:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/234-guides/)


Usually the pinned ones are the best but feel free to look at the other ones as well.


Also throughout the forum you can see little tidbits of what more experienced players do. If you go to the videos and screenshots subforum you can watch them play. Don’t look at mine though. It was my first try at recording and the FPS is horrible.

Thank you all, I will be digging as deep as i can. I wish i did read and speak Spanish.

Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your time here and feel free to ask about anything that bothers you. The community will help you.

I will just move this thread to the approrpiate section.

Welp, this is the first time I ever post here, coming over from the War Thunder forums, and I must confess I am quite impressed with the Invasion mode so far, although I’m still just barely trying it out.

I’m also quite new to Star Conflict, I haven’t played it much back then. It’s a very refreshing experience. :3

Welp, this is the first time I ever post here, coming over from the War Thunder forums, and I must confess I am quite impressed with the Invasion mode so far, although I’m still just barely trying it out.

I’m also quite new to Star Conflict, I haven’t played it much back then. It’s a very refreshing experience. :3

Welcome! First I thought you were trolling, then I remembered about that this forum and the war-thunder’s one share accounts, because you have more than 300 posts.


Anything we can do for you, just ask, we are here to help.


Fly safe!

Welcome! First I thought you were trolling, then I remembered about that this forum and the war-thunder’s one share accounts, because you have more than 300 posts.


Anything we can do for you, just ask, we are here to help.


Fly safe!

Trolling? Me? D:

All these post counts came over from the other Gaijin Forums, before the War Thunder forums were transitioned to a new one. I believe this account for the Star Conflict forums as well. (Yes, been here for that long…)


If I’ll need help, I’ll know who to get in contact with. Thanks a lot for the offer! /o/

then I remembered about that this forum and the war-thunder’s one share accounts, because you have more than 300 posts.

I remember when this forum was still only a subsection of the Gaijin forum at the time. :wink: