Implant System - Reimplantation - text bug

Bug report:



Please fix:






What happened to Skula1975?

2 hours ago, Koromac said:

What happened to Skula1975?

maybe he is on vacation :D.

Also I don’t think it is a bug since they removed that string from every language. They will probably rework or remove that current implant system



diff -u data1.5.1/strings/english/string.txt data1.5.1b/strings/english/string.txt | grep talents "talentsError\_TR\_CANT\_AFFORD""Not enough credits.""talentsError\_TR\_ERROR""Unknown error.""talentsError\_TR\_GROUP\_RESTRICTED""GROUP\_RESTRICTED""talents\_msgCapt\_hasUnapplied" "Implants not installed""talents\_msg\_hasUnapplied""One or more implants are not installed. Are you sure you want to install the previously chosen implants?""talents\_requiredRace" "Race $race$"-"talents\_resetBtn""Reimplantation"-"talents\_resetMsg\_caption""Implant removal"-"talents\_resetMsg\_msg" "Are you sure you want to remove all implants?"-"talents\_resetRankMsg\_caption" "Change implant"-"talents\_resetRankMsg\_msg""Are you sure you want to replace an installed implant?"-"talents\_resetTip""Double-click to replace an implant for $price$""talents\_talentSetBuy" "Unlock"



15 hours ago, Koromac said:

What happened to Skula1975?


I think he is MiA.

He got over swarmed by bugs.  ![:4880bbba85e9:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/4880bbba85e9.png “:4880bbba85e9:”)


On 3/17/2018 at 10:28 AM, GatoGrande said:


I think he is MiA.

He got over swarmed by bugs.  ![:4880bbba85e9:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/4880bbba85e9.png “:4880bbba85e9:”)


God help us all!