Implant R7-3 should not work with Dart

Implant R7-3 was not designed to allow a command to regain energy when shield is up.

Currently, when a Dart is hit from the rear (shield), it triggers R7-3, leading to massive energy gains and frontal shield HP as a result.

By design, this should not occur. This implant was never intended to be used on commands (when shield is up) for this reason.


the implant should not be trigger by hitting a Command Diffusion shield, but it was always intended to work from regular shields. Which it does now, what is the issue?

Diffusion shield did not block your shot. 

He took damages.

So working as intended. 

The issue is that it was never intended to work in combination with Command Shields (Diffusion or otherwise)…

Please, stop this rhetoric to support your own broken builds, kthx.

It was never intended to work this way, and was an oversight in the design of Dart’s Frontal Shield.

Or maybe just ‘working as intended’ ie: Intentionally imbalanced?

a) It was not an oversight

b) If Dart getting pounded around Diffusion shields it has much bigger problems than how much Frontal shield can tank it

c) It is not aDiffusion shield which provides omnidirectional protection, this is a Frontal shield

He’s talking about the FORWARD facing shield, not the default diffusion shield.  It works with it since Singularity cannon and the R12+ Phaser weapons(not flux phaser, talking about the charge/fast shot phaser) pass through forward facing shields and static shields, which still allow the shot to make contact with the ship’s normal shield.  Due to the fact that the special forward facing shield module for dart, works the same way(minus the indestructible status/using it to ram ships to death) of the AI Turtle’s forward shield, it blocks all non piercing shot damage(and unlike turtles, i believe explosive damage too, due to sitting further out) but doesn’t block singularity cannon/Phaser shots.  They had to leave some way of killing the player, so just because it charges the energy reserves, doesn’t mean the forward shield will save them from those weapon types.  Get enough shots in, their shields will be gone, and they wont have any shields left TO recharge the forward shield.

Conversation with an ‘exploiter’:

Question: So, which implant do you use then?

Exploiter: So, I errrr, uhm… I used R7-3 on my Dart… It’s not broken though… TRUST ME !!!

All you arguments are invalid… NEVER EVER listen to exploiters.

These are all hypothetical 1v1s, and don’t even take simple reality into account. 100% rhetoric.

1 minute ago, betatrash said:

Conversation with an ‘exploiter’:

Question: So, which implant do you use then?

Exploiter: So, I errrr, uhm… I used R7-3 on my Dart… It’s not broken though… TRUST ME !!!

All you arguments are invalid… NEVER EVER listen to exploiters.

What’s the point of having more energy for your frontal shield, if it doesn’t block damages? 


You have more energy but you still die in the end. 

Pointless to even continue 1-sided discussions. Not sure if this is a simple failure to comprehend, or refusal to acknowledge the problem, due to inherent bias.

Just to entertain you though, here are 2 real world examples:

  1. Sit in AoE taking 100dmg/sec, which is replenished by shield regen of 100/s. Thus, you take no damage but gain 15e/sec, with is 500dmg/sec frontal shield tank.

  2. Dart has 500e remaining = 16k Frontal Shield. A player is shooting them from front, but cannot down the shield if you shoot them from rear due to energy regen.

There are about half a dozen more of these ‘situations’.

1 minute ago, betatrash said:

Pointless to even continue 1-sided discussions. Not sure if this is a simple failure to comprehend, or refusal to acknowledge the problem, due to inherent bias.

In all these discussions you really sound as if you have never played the game. Sure the implant may sound like it works well with the dart shield, but in realty it doesn’t make a big difference, and it might not even be better overall than the other implants. 

Oh, another Dart player using R7-3… surprise surprise…

Star Conflict ‘balance’: Please don’t nerf my broken stuff so I can abuse it a bit more.

  1. You are fighting a Dart in close quarters, and for the sake of argument, 50% of the shots land at the front, %50% at the rear. You can’t down the shield, because they are actually gaining 5x more EHP at the front, then is removed from the rear.

1 minute ago, betatrash said:

Oh, another Dart player using R7-3… surprise surprise…


The hell is wrong with you? 

Nobody is using r7-3 on Dart. 


There’s literally no reason to. 

The goal of Diffusion shield is to trade energy for HP. So why would you trade HP for more energy ?   ![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)

Because you get 5x more HP out of losing HP… it’s amplification in a sense… or multiplication. Grade 5 stuff.

Don’t have a dart, still, don’t see an issue.

In fact, 7-2 is on average better to Dart’s survival than 7-3


Amplification of what? You lost HP that you wouldn’t have lost if you tanked it with frontal shield in the first place. 



1 minute ago, betatrash said:

Because you get 5x more HP out of losing HP… it’s amplification in a sense… or multiplication. Grade 5 stuff.


but that HP will not prevent you from dying if you are taking dmg in HP

26e/sec saved from R7-2 afterburner. Which is used less than 50% of the time? 13e/sec saved. You can gain 15e/sec by getting hit for 1000 damage every 10 secs… Which occurs much more frequently (100dmg/sec).

You can get extra cap from R7-1, but it’s questionable… regardless, this design was never intended, so the whole argument is pointless. Oversight of original design.

Why would you take damages ? 

You’re supposed to be far away, using a mid-long range quantum railguns. That’s how Dart is designed. Where AB reduction cost allows you to have a good strafe, to dodge shots. 


By going in, you take the risk of being hit in the rear, or by a singularity canon. 


Why would you go in close range quarter in the first place? 

Like in the case of a Recon, ECM or Tackler attacking you from the rear?

ie: ECM drains 360 e/sec, but if you hit them from the rear for 1000 DPS, they gain 150e (2000=300), which mitigates the effect of any energy drain. You’re better off hitting them from the front, and that’s a problem due to their DPS.

  1. After losing 2000 HP, they can just turn to face you, and have an additional 9,600 EHP on frontal shield, heal it all back with the help of an engineer/module (5 secs) or natural regen (15-20 secs).

Anyways, my work here is done. Someone else can continue the struggle. I’ve wasted enough time on this simple design oversight.

30 minutes ago, betatrash said:

26e/sec saved from R7-2 afterburner. Which is used less than 50% of the time? 13e/sec saved. You can gain 15e/sec by getting hit for 1000 damage every 10 secs… Which occurs much more frequently (100dmg/sec).

You can get extra cap from R7-1, but it’s questionable… regardless, this design was never intended, so the whole argument is pointless. Oversight of original design.


  1. If somebody is next to you, you are using your Afterburner 100% of the time.

  2. If somebody is next to you and hitting you around Frontal shields, your frontal shields is no longer of much value to you

  3. pumping more energy into a Frontal shield is next to a no value because with a proper build it already has enormous tanking, as long as your a$$ is covered, and if it is not see (1) and (2)