I'm Leaving Star Conflict!

Hey community! I should tell you all that I’m in the process of leaving Star Conflict. I’ll probably pop in a few times per several months, but overall, I’m going to not be a regular anymore on SC.

My reason being is for lack of content. Now, I want to make this clear, I AM NOT BLAMING THE DEVS for this! I’ve been almost exclusively playing F2P games now for the last 5 years of my “gaming career”, and one thing I notice about ALL F2Ps is this, 1. They get repetitive beyond belief, 2. Typically the grind is pretty difficult, 3. Devs need to make money so they do their best to make you pay for the game. (AGAIN I’m not blaming this on the devs. Their doing what they need to do to make a living, and I’m 100% onboard with that. It’s the F2P strategy overall that’s not that great.)

I’ve recently found out about Star Citizen, and I am absolutely blown away and absolutely amazed at what they’ve accomplished. Star Citizen is exactly what I’ve been looking for in a game, a game where you can roam about freely and explore many new worlds in open space, and it’s a simulator! I LOVE how the main creator of SC doesn’t need EA games or any other large corporation for income. **They are onboard directly with the community and getting feedback directly from the community (hint hint ;)). **It’s a game that I’m more than willing to pay for because I really do want to pay for it. The content is great, the features are great.

I will be directly swapping out Star Conflict with Star Citizen as my primary and only space shooter.

However, I will say this, Star Conflict has been my most favored and loved F2P game I’ve ever played! You guys are really good compared to other F2P titles I’ve played before. The devs pay quite a bit of attention to you guys compared to other F2P titles which don’t at all. And the grind is not that bad compared to your bigger brother War Thunder.

I do hope Star Conflict the best! And to you all the best! I hope this game gets better and better with more content and ESPECIALLY better matchmaking of ships. I’ll probably pop in every several months to see how the games going, but that will be all. (Unless I unexpectedly get a strong vibe for SC again. lol)

I won’t be leaving right away, I’m going to stick around for the next few days, or several weeks until I construct TharGa, then I’ll be gone. Thanks!

HBZK100: Proud retired VP of FAITH and of Star Conflict!

Content - if you enjoy instant action PVP, Star Conflict never runs out of content, since no two matches are the same. That is why I have 15000 PVP matches and even if I take breaks, I always come back to this game.

Star Citizen - I have been keeping an eye on that game also, but the development is taking a very long time, and I’m not been impressed by their marketting. 100 euros for a single ship? You kidding me? Also I have Eve Online for my open space and roaming needs. (I agree Star Conflict open space is bad - it started out very nicely but then lack of development, and focus on PVE instead of PVP content out there ruined it).

I was always a fan of open-world games but kewl explosions and ships are just above it, hope that the new OS rework will bring that SPORK back to it.So far we know next to nothing about it, some teasers could help, not too much, not too little.

I backed Citizen back in the LTI period, so naturally I am looking forward to its release. However, I also know, the gameplay is totally different.

I can totally agree on your critique to F2P. I think, mainly, who has lived in the 90s, wanted f2p to succeed; The idea began as idealism, but ended in some pretty weird state. I don’t blame the devs here either, it’s a global trend, and for me it was always clear, it only works because online gaming is still evolving.

I have to say, I am a bit radical by now about this. I don’t give them the excuse, that they need money in every thought. I see games which invest in fair investment ideas fare better, but games with RNG micropayment structures, are just louder, but by now I also see them basicly having a total life of 4-7 years tops. I see CCP, who was made by a few Ultima Online nerds, who knew exactly the difference between subscription based official servers and privately run freeshards, that they always planned a free client, but needed 10 years to become a successful subscription giant first, and always knew they had to make a game engine which will be constantly upgraded, and most of their branching failed anyway. And I saw insights into the business, which didn’t really leave me with the conclusion, that you can’t be successful with even a small title, especially if you dig in into hard times and evolve.

I think, that is Citizens magic magnet. It has ideals. It evolved in front of our eyes, the more money came in. And by now also financing seems stable. We can forgive cash grabs until someone has the finances to not do it. But it wont excuse systems which are built around it, and get stuck with it. In citizen, you know, the pledge is going to go away, well at least, you hope. And I personally predict, pretty sure, once released, some of the modules will even get free access, like Star Marine.

But personally won’t bring up “I understand you gotta live”. That’s life. Your product can still be good.

But having said that, I am not sure, if Citizen isn’t a game, which in reality is still 3-4 years out. By then SC has a lot of time to focus on gameplay. And in the end, everybody has to sacrifice some idealism. You can’t promise forever.

Cya bruh. Don’t forget to check out PlDyn.us for my Citizen group. We should at least stay sorta in touch. Xp

Have fun there i guess xD

4 hours ago, millanbel said:

Content - if you enjoy instant action PVP, Star Conflict never runs out of content, since no two matches are the same. That is why I have 15000 PVP matches and even if I take breaks, I always come back to this game.

Star Citizen - I have been keeping an eye on that game also, but the development is taking a very long time, and I’m not been impressed by their marketting. 100 euros for a single ship? You kidding me? Also I have Eve Online for my open space and roaming needs. (I agree Star Conflict open space is bad - it started out very nicely but then lack of development, and focus on PVE instead of PVP content out there ruined it).

I agree, no two matches are the same. However, for me personally, most battles are redundant, then when you get teams that don’t work together, it kinda drives me nuts (but it’s impossible to avoid, i know). But each has his own preference. I’m a sucker for missions over normal PvP personally. (Also, the OP TharGa kind of accelerated my time table.) I should also mention that I’m a tech enthusiast, and because of that, I’m also a sucker for good graphics. 

Another reason why I think I probably am not liking PvP that much is because I have this law engrained in my mind that  I cannot die, at nearly all costs. I’ll still take risks and die, but when I die, I feel like I failed. It’s probably from years of War Thunder which drills into you that you cannot die since you cannot respawn, or have a limited amount of respawns.

To give you all a little more detail, I spent over 1300 hours in War Thunder, drilling in Arcade and some Realistic battles…I got so caught up in the grind, that I now can’t really stand that game anymore. I didn’t really enjoy the game like your supposed to, I wanted jets right away, just like every other newb did. And I did get to top tier jets, but it cost my enjoyment of the game. I don’t want to make the same mistake again with Star Conflict. I just need a bit more variety besides regular PvP. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) (Don’t worry, I’ll probably be back next year.)

@TheDarkRedFox, i’ll check that out soon! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) Thanks!

16 minutes ago, HBZK100 said:

I agree, no two matches are the same. However, for me personally, most battles are redundant, then when you get teams that don’t work together, it kinda drives me nuts (but it’s impossible to avoid, i know). But each has his own preference. I’m a sucker for missions over normal PvP personally. (Also, the OP TharGa kind of accelerated my time table.) I should also mention that I’m a tech enthusiast, and because of that, I’m also a sucker for good graphics. 

Another reason why I think I probably am not liking PvP that much is because I have this law engrained in my mind that  I cannot die, at nearly all costs. I’ll still take risks and die, but when I die, I feel like I failed. It’s probably from years of War Thunder which drills into you that you cannot die since you cannot respawn, or have a limited amount of respawns.

To give you all a little more detail, I spent over 1300 hours in War Thunder, drilling in Arcade and some Realistic battles…I got so caught up in the grind, that I now can’t really stand that game anymore. I didn’t really enjoy the game like your supposed to, I wanted jets right away, just like every other newb did. And I did get to top tier jets, but it cost my enjoyment of the game. I don’t want to make the same mistake again with Star Conflict. I just need a bit more variety besides regular PvP. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) (Don’t worry, I’ll probably be back next year.)

@TheDarkRedFox, i’ll check that out soon! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) Thanks!

Yes, you have to accept to die sometimes!! As long as I get at least one kill before dying then I’m fine with it

That was one of the reasons I hated War Thunder. The other reasons were gravity and trees ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Yeah, I at first didn’t like the no re-spawn system, until I got so used to it that it “forced” me to like it.

That’s why I played a LOT of Custom Battles, infinite respawn!

Reminds me of the time i played League of Legends, always stuck in silver, always people deliberately sabotaging you as soon as you mention that you need a win, god forbid telling them you are advancing a tier lol. At least here i can delete a team on my own so if someone helps, it’s cool, if not, ah well more numbers for me then.

Basically if i acquire the sp ships, there would be not much for me to do in the game because having those ships is in most cases having it all here. 

23 hours ago, HBZK100 said:

I’ve recently found out about Star Citizen, and I am absolutely blown away and absolutely amazed at what they’ve accomplished.

Thank you … not Linux!! Window$se oness

6 hours ago, avarshina said:

Thank you … not Linux!! Window$se oness

Mh… I heard rumors that Star Citizen might come to Linux too, atleast the Engine Lumberyard will run under Linux




Q. What device platforms does Lumberyard support?
Lumberyard currently supports PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, iOS (iPhone 5S+), and Android (Samsung Note 4 and equivalents). Support for broader mobile hardware is coming soon, along with additional support for Mac and Linux. Please note that Sony and Microsoft only permit developers who have passed their screening process to develop games for their console platforms.


That’s cool. I hope linux gets more support, I would not mind running Ubuntu over windows.

Star Citizen is currently chewing thru 6GB of RAM and 5GB of vram on my system. I’ll probably need to upgrade from 8 to 24GB of RAM soon.

more likely 16GB


On 2/5/2017 at 5:00 PM, HBZK100 said:

I’ll probably need to upgrade from 8 to 24GB of RAM soon

the vram is usually allocated on demand, so it doesnt say as much how much it needs, it really depends on the games scene management, and it kinda depends on your settings aswell.

however RAM - given its a very sophisticated state machine with lots of physics and object loading and currently very badly optimized - should be at least 16 for citizen in multiplayer, and i think it will be minimum for the game to play multiplayer at its release, which was predicted. they are aiming for those hardware specs atm.


Still, kinda sucks you cant really fight and fly in 3rd person. I mean I get why 3rd person is unfair in shooters (look around corners, and the fact you need some kind of aim assist, if your point of view is from another angle than the gun) but in space games, you got prediction reticles anyway… Not that I am complaining in general, because I actually had to get used to 3rd person more, than the other way around. But its just more fun to see the spaceship “fly”.

7 hours ago, g4borg said:

the vram is usually allocated on demand, so it doesnt say as much how much it needs, it really depends on the games scene management, and it kinda depends on your settings aswell.

however RAM - given its a very sophisticated state machine with lots of physics and object loading and currently very badly optimized - should be at least 16 for citizen in multiplayer, and i think it will be minimum for the game to play multiplayer at its release, which was predicted. they are aiming for those hardware specs atm.


Still, kinda sucks you cant really fight and fly in 3rd person. I mean I get why 3rd person is unfair in shooters (look around corners, and the fact you need some kind of aim assist, if your point of view is from another angle than the gun) but in space games, you got prediction reticles anyway… Not that I am complaining in general, because I actually had to get used to 3rd person more, than the other way around. But its just more fun to see the spaceship “fly”.

I can see this for Star Conflict. But honestly, Star Citizen’s ships do look a bit more uglier than Star Conflicts ships, so I don’t care if I see them or not LOL.


they have different styles.

aurora and mustang maybe, but cmon my shiny origin bmw… 300 series has beautiful wing design.

i find the hardcover style from early 19th century scifi a lot more uglier, and SC incorporates a lot from that, like lots of funky stuff or unneeded roundings, trumpet thrusters and devices, while citizen ships look a lot more like machines, conflict looks like hasbro toys.

cant agree with you there, conflict is a lot more amateurish in its design. which is a bit of a beauty in itself tho, admitted and just works with its arcade style of gameplay. albeit, the “typical” delta wing aircraft styled spaceship comes better across with conflict, most of the ships are way more characteristic in citizen.

it’s also hard to tell, as some ships i find cool in conflict are either unique or mid-ranked.

eve beats both in uglyness. sometimes however the most ugly ship in an ugly style gets beautiful. like a tempest or raven.


On 7.2.2017 at 9:35 PM, HBZK100 said:

I can see this for Star Conflict. But honestly, Star Citizen’s ships do look a bit more uglier than Star Conflicts ships, so I don’t care if I see them or not LOL.

Uglier??? You mean to say the space sim video game Star Citizen releases space ships that resemble a pistol in space - in fps style? Ehhhmmmm?? Rename the Tharga Glock pistol - haha!

1 hour ago, avarshina said:

Rename the Tharga Glock pistol - haha!

Glock? Pft, get serious, its a P09 Luger from miles.

6 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Glock? Pft, get serious, its a P09 Luger from miles.

What he said.