Illuminati confirmed





Also, ever wondered why Doritos are triangular? Illumiati!!

oh no! it’s the octominarti!

I’m telling you, I’m onto something here…

Also, about the dorito’s comment, by that logic the Inquis is aswell, it’s the space dorito anyway

Also, about the dorito’s comment, by that logic the Inquis is aswell, it’s the space dorito anyway






that’s beautiful

Omg… its confirmed, but wait, do you see that?

Zoom in 5040%, rotate 243 times

I see how he can confirm it, look at his profile


See, clearly this means Jericho is the Illuminati. Giant space triangles? C’mon.

Omg… its confirmed, but wait, do you see that?

Zoom in 5040%, rotate 243 times

I see how he can confirm it, look at his profile



Oh on the contrary, I think you’re just trying to redirect attention:


spodermen pls

there not antlers there antenas that give him the mind control OVER THE WOOORLD!

Omg… its confirmed, but wait, do you see that?

Zoom in 5040%, rotate 243 times

I see how he can confirm it, look at his profile



The NSA has modified this!  I swear, it wasn’t me!!



there not antlers there antenas that give him the mind control OVER THE WOOORLD!



There we go: he’s in the NSA

There we go: he’s in the NSA



It all makes sense now. We have no choice but to kill him.





How romantic




I am good ,thanks for the offer though.


I’ll just go play in the snow.


I am good ,thanks for the offer though.


I’ll just go sneeze. Because I’m a Dragon.


How romantic




Thanks, St Valentine is near I have to practice



I am good ,thanks for the offer though.



You missed the chance of your life to be happy!

st valentine looks very sad


perhaps he made valentine’s day because he couldn’t get any