IIN Issue 18 (30) on 4613.05.01

IIN – The most Interesting News is With Us.


Main news

I This Week, OOF held a conference on the ethical code of fighting. The conference was held to address

concerns of pilots and corporations on how overpoweringly uneven the sides of the conquest for neutral territories were. The OOF have released official statements notifying the public of revisions to the neutral conquest laws and regulations pact. More to come from the OOF soon.



II. An number of corporations and pilots providing services to various parties has been penalized recently by the representatives from the greater races, due to direction violations to their contract that may have involved the death of an ally or corporate member. UCM has Ruled that any party not acting in full interest of its contractor, by destroying corporate members or allies must be held accountable for their actions, and will be brought to justice for such actions.



Other news

III. Last month, During the global rearmament a large amount of armor-piercing rockets were found faulty. The corporations decided to recall them, but quickly realized the dismantlement of the rockets would cost them nearly three times then it was to produce them. A quick fix was found, A repair kit capable of repairing the faulty socket in the rocket mounting system. One worker also adds “be careful when repairing the rocket, they are sensitive, you don’t want to accidentally launch one of these puppies!”


IV. Imperial Scientists Specializing in the field of Armor Technologies had a unexpected break through this week. A newly designed armor has a major problem States one pilot, Then he adds “The new armor wont allow for paint jobs! Its like I put a big smudge on the side of my ship, Does that seem Fear inspiring to you!?, I didn’t think so”. Shortly after his rant, he stormed off and flew away. As it turns out, he was trying to repaint his entire ship to another color (sources say black) and add a “fear inspiring skull” to the side of the ship. The UCM has stated the release of a new agreement, known as sidelong glances to modify the new armor technology to allow corrects to coloring of ships, to please pilots across the galaxy, including old grumpy ones, adds a representative.


V. Recently published and widely used technologies used for strategic and tactical use on the ships were visited with a statistical annalist this week. Representatives from the respective governments have deemed that use of technologies like the adaptive camouflage to carry out objectives dangerous. Developers and producers of the technology disagree adding that “spy drones are capable of countering the technology”.

Representatives have recognized the fault in using adaptive camouflage to carry out objectives and have added corrections to the technology to correct problems with the technology.


VII. A network vote and discussion of operation of new and old engineering modules built for the restoration of ships was conducted. The majority of the pilots who have taken part in the vote nominally decide the fact that despite scientific breakthroughs in the production and operation of the latest modules, their force and influence is excessive on the battlefield and believe revisions to the systems can allow engineering ships to perform better on the battlefield. Representatives from corporations and various labor unions speak out against the operations of the modules, and call for revisions for it. Pilots around the galaxy are welcome to do their part on casting their votes on revisions for the modular systems.


Public news

 VII. In UCM received another offer on martial awards for distinguished pilots. This time the proposal is not the nature of the nomenclature extensions and additional compensation.According to the initiators of the project, it appears that the pilot, received the award, there should be further encouraged and financially. Representatives ETSN accepted the proposal for consideration. However, sources at the Centre, who wished to remain anonymous, reported that the treatment of this initiative is very skeptical, "First, we have no such financial opportunities. Secondly, and most importantly, the award-mercenary pilot - a sign of his courage, skill and valor displayed in battle, not a way of earning extra money ". Discussion of the project, according to tradition, is a public and accessible on the network to any registered pilot.


UCM received a petition to increase the pay of mercenaries completing contracts for contractors.

UCM has accepted the proposal for consideration, However sources at the centre who wish to remain anonymous have reported that the treatment of this initiative in a very skeptical light stating “First, We have no such financial obligation to pilots, Secondly, and most importantly rewarding mercenaries based on their skill, valor and courage in battle is the best option for everyone, paying everyone high rates will only cause the skilled seasons pilots to become relaxed and not perform to their full capability”. UCM has commented they are investigating the proposal.


Culture news

VIII. New works from _ StRRaNNiKK _


Military news

IX. Reports of Sector Conquest are coming in…

Federations seriously steps on Empire and Jericho positions. Jericho however, have managed to hold the federation partially at bay. Evolution ,Rise and SAB have managed to keep federation at bay. Empire Territories Dwindle Daily.


Weather forecast

Weather forecasters came true as predicted. No serious incidents have taken place in the last week. They added you never know where danger lurks, and can spring on you any moment, So keep a personal shield in your space mobile.  

I actually understood this one. +1 for less cryptic updates.



  1. Sector Conquest is going to be re-ballanced. (possibly through limiting the number of battles a corporation can participate in per day)


  1. Penalties for teamkilling will be implemented.


  1. Armor-piercing rockets are being tweaked.


  1. Introduction of custom ship camoflage/paint to further stand out on the battlefield.


  1. Adaptive Camoflage is being ballanced and will most likely force players to drop the bomb when activated.


  1. Engineering Frigate restoration modules are getting nerfed. Possible that adjacent Engineer Frig healing bonuses will no longer stack.


  1. Increased contract rewards are being considered, but it doesn’t look hopeful.



  1. Sector Conquest is going to be re-ballanced. (possibly through limiting the number of battles a corporation can participate in per day)

no, Corp members will only be able to participate in a specific battle for its period (12-24 hours) One to Three times (undecided)

  1. Penalties for teamkilling will be implemented.

24 hour ban.

  1. Armor-piercing rockets are being tweaked.

Fixed a bug

  1. Introduction of custom ship camoflage/paint to further stand out on the battlefield.

No, Its the fix to EMP

  1. Adaptive Camoflage is being ballanced and will most likely force players to drop the bomb when activated.

Above, more Rp

  1. Engineering Frigate restoration modules are getting nerfed. Possible that adjacent Engineer Frig healing bonuses will no longer stack.


  1. Increased contract rewards are being considered, but it doesn’t look hopeful.

No, only talking about upgrading the rates, An Evil lead pilot in a position of power is very much against it, because he thinks it will make people not do pve. ← I hate this, PvP and PvE should be separate  Only transitioning from one to the other should be easy.

  1. Penalties for teamkilling will be implemented.

24 hour ban.

Wow really? I was expecting a point penalty. A temp ban seems a bit steep.

why the xxxx would you post a patch note like this, unless trying to ninja some more ‘pro’ changes?

thanks for the translation, though.


edit: this patch has nailed the last nail, you haven’t changed one single thing that people are asking (and more importantly, that i was hoping for), so as my licence has expired, i’m done with the game.

why the xxxx would you post a patch note like this, unless trying to ninja some more ‘pro’ changes?

thanks for the translation, though.


edit: this patch has nailed the last nail, you haven’t changed one single thing that people are asking (and more importantly, that i was hoping for), so as my licence has expired, i’m done with the game.

Welcome to this game! No dev support and ninja changes everywhere \o/

Juhuuuu , now i have only to be afraid of enemy nukes . I allread getting pissed of by getting killed from my own team nukes.


If sacrifices have to be made , ill be the first one who do it , but i want to decide IF i want to do it and not just getting killed by a mate who decides it for me by dropping a nuke.


The nerf to the Engi module is needed.


Im still the opinion that Recon ships are underused and Camo was just fine.


Bug fixing is allways good.


More money for fullfilling contracts … hmm dunno , but i tend to dislike it , not in regards to PvE , but in regards to the old problem of people doing not the mission but going all the way to only fullfill their contracts.


PS: GJ Uhmari , nice to read as usual , thx :slight_smile:

why the xxxx would you post a patch note like this, unless trying to ninja some more ‘pro’ changes?

thanks for the translation, though.


edit: this patch has nailed the last nail, you haven’t changed one single thing that people are asking (and more importantly, that i was hoping for), so as my licence has expired, i’m done with the game.

I’m pretty sure that everyone was asking for healing and Adaptive Camo to be fixed, and they’re fixing it. I’m pretty sure that everyone was also complaining about being TKed by teammates ramming them constantly or firing nukes into their own beacons, and that’s being rectified. I’m fairly certain that people were also asking for the game to be made less of a grind, and now it appears that they’re looking at increasing the rewards for PvP. And I’m almost positive that adding custom ship coloring has been a requested feature for months, and it seems that they’re now considering adding it in an upcoming patch. So I’m not entirely sure where you’re coming from with this butthurt, bitter rant about them “not changing a single thing people are asking for.” Maybe they haven’t changed what you have been asking for, but you aren’t everyone.

Ship roles still xxxx. Bunch of mods still not working (as intended) or just plain xxxx. xxxx special abilites. xxxx ship tree lines.

The game is, sadly, despite a lot of good changes, in sum worse than it was.



When i see changes, my opinion will change.

Applying limitations to play for sector conquest doesn’t seem to make sense, especially given the fact that the teams are all mixed from different factions. As such, volume of play is the only thing that really determines the % in sector conquest. A limitation would then make it a coin flip whether one side or the other wins. Also, limiting play would be detrimental to the player base.

As such, volume of play is the only thing that really determines the % in sector conquest. A limitation would then make it a coin flip whether one side or the other wins.


I really want to make a joke about Russians and Communism right now; taking sectors from those with the surplus and redistributing them to the poor…


But on a serious note, I agree. This seems more like a punishment than balance. I would think the developers would be pleased at the volume of playtime that has been invested in their new mode. Limiting the amount of time corporation players can spend in this mode isn’t going to balance it, but kill it completely due to increased frustration.


If they want to balance the mode, then change how points are awarded; kicking everyone in the nuts will only cause more players to leave.

But on a serious note, I agree. This seems more like a punishment than balance. I would think the developers would be pleased at the volume of playtime that has been invested in their new mode. Limiting the amount of time corporation players can spend in this mode isn’t going to balance it, but kill it completely due to increased frustration.


If they want to balance the mode, then change how points are awarded; kicking everyone in the nuts will only cause more players to leave.

As someone not in a Corporation, I can tell you that this might actually tempt me to try Sector Conquest again. Previously, it might as well have been named “Corp Wars”, because every single match you played would be 80% Corporation players in squads coordinating on teamspeak and rolling in the most OP ships with the most OP modules, with randoms like myself who’re simply playing for fun feeling like we’re caught in the crossfire.

dude, by now almost everyone here knows me as a b*tching douche, but this time you’re wrong.

The point of this game is team play, so… get in a corp. Seriously. What’s the fkn problem?

PLenty of corps around, you’ll have ppl tp play with… as sh*t as this game is, it’s WAAAAAY more fun when played with other people…