If you ran out of projects you have to do this too!

I’m not the only one to say this but you need to do something with the latency of the foreign servers,so if you are done with the R11 Destroyers(and hopefully a EM weapon for the R8 ones,I hope)then you have to fix this too!

If you need evidence on how it feels like to play a interceptor at 400 ping then here it is: 

Because It’s fun to see 8 players spamming guns on a 'ceptor spinning while the ennemy team use this distraction to obliterate yours ?




It’s like the pick-pocket trick in Paris near the Eiffel tower.


One guy use 3 cups and a small object. An  accomplice “plays” the game to make tourists stop.


Pickpockets operate while targets are playing or captivated by the show.

I have a funny video of this event somewhere. I was in my Octopus (since deceased) and my ping was about 700 on an RU server. I did nothing but spin and spin and spin and spin and spin. It was awful. My drones where the only thing making battle even worth-while for me.

I’m not the only one to say this but you need to do something with the latency of the foreign servers,so if you are done with the R11 Destroyers(and hopefully a EM weapon for the R8 ones,I hope)then you have to fix this too!

If you need evidence on how it feels like to play a interceptor at 400 ping then here it is:  attachicon.gif2Q==.jpg

ping is because of bad server placement and lack of US advertisement. Also, matchmaker does not exactly do a good job at picking central locations. I have had a team of south americans (and me who lives in california) and the enemies lived in russia and it decides to give the enemies 10 ping and my South American buddies 600 ping. 

There are topics already talking about this (ive made 2 myself), its called as wobble…you can learn more looking at those topics. Devs know about this issue but they say its too complicated to be fixed, so its gonna stay the same for a long while.