Icons are screwed up

As of last some time last night, my icon has been that of (Shotan? Sho? Something? Idk.) and not my usual cute Fox. Anyone else experiencing this?

As of last some time last night, my icon has been that of (Shotan? Sho? Something? Idk.) and not my usual cute Fox. Anyone else experiencing this?

No logs no bug.


Do you mean ingame or here in the Forum?

Lol. Here on the forum. You don’t have custom icons in game. (Which sucks)

And I’m about 78.554% sure that icons in-game aren’t handled under logs. They are just something that -is-.

You maybe need to clear cache. Sometimes such stuff happen cuz of cache.

They are better now. I didn’t even do anything. Xp

Someone lock this topic before it becomes an off-topic.

As of last some time last night, my icon has been that of (Shotan? Sho? Something? Idk.) and not my usual cute Fox. Anyone else experiencing this?

Next time after you and Sho have a PJ party sleep over, make sure he sign outs from your PC.

As of last some time last night, my icon has been that of (Shotan? Sho? Something? Idk.) and not my usual cute Fox. Anyone else experiencing this?

who said that fox is cute for me it seems like “hi im happy can i plug your eyes ???”

who said that fox is cute for me it seems like “hi im happy can i plug your eyes ???”

Well there are lots of things screwed up with you so I’m not surprised.

It’s not even a dark fox  :fed015:

Define “dark”.

It’s not the same as you think it is. >;3c

Next time after you and Sho have a PJ party sleep over, make sure he sign outs from your PC.

hahaha i love this ^^

Well there are lots of things screwed up with you so I’m not surprised.


yep u are right no need to be suprised