I tried a 99% slow with a tackler but...

Hello :slight_smile:


I tried a 99% slow with a tackler but it didnt worked :confused:


My ship is a Hyena with a Engine suppressor (59% slow) and also with Slowing field missiles (40% slow).

My mate and me created a custom game and he took a Lightbringer with cruise engine (max speed with afterburners = 700 m/s).


With the module and the missile, he was around 175 m/sec with afterburner inside the explosion radius… WHY? Shouldn’t it be 7 m/s?


59%+40% is not 99%



Negative effects are not stacking additively, what if you would’ve used slow beam (tackler’s main gun that slows) as well, and went into “140% slow”, would you expect that ship to fly backwards or something?

Negative effects are not stacking additively, what if you would’ve used slow beam (tackler’s main gun that slows) as well, and went into “140% slow”, would you expect that ship to fly backwards or something?

Yes :smiley:

 would you expect that ship to fly backwards or something?



After several stacks

If I do the maths:


Only with the Engine suppressor: 700-700*59/100= 287 not 175


And if you add the missile debuff (40%) to it: 287-287*40/100=172.2 wich is around 175 m/se


I found my answer by myself. IM A GENIUS 8D



OH?! And btw i like the gif you posted xD

Try adding Freeze-Beams and the afterburner disabled. He’ll be flying at 50m/s in no time. XD

Negative effects are not stacking additively, what if you would’ve used slow beam (tackler’s main gun that slows) as well, and went into “140% slow”, would you expect that ship to fly backwards or something?

hahahaha so hilarious xDDD

[Developer blog from January 23th: Modifier effect addition](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25889-developer-blog-from-january-23th-modifier-effect-addition/)