I played an actual fun match today

Flew my glorious Dragonfly into battle.

  • There were no destroyers so I was actually useful and able to fly around
  • Both teams had a squad
  • beacon hunt with players who actually went to beacons
  • only one spawncamp longrange
  • Fair teams game was very close (victory by only ~20 pts)
  • 6 kills 1 death
  • We won

I got jank in my loot of course. All credits but I’m happy that I actually got to enjoy no funflict for once, ever


and I was so excited that I had a good time that I made a damn thread about it


See? All you need to do to have a fun one is just play 200 matches tht suck

best games: squads on both sides, equal strategic ship-strength, full game

squads build nice backbone, and react to missing ships since they talk

rest is teamwork


best games. :slight_smile:


Which rank?

Which rank?

Flew my glorious Dragonfly into battle.


When I first started 3 years ago I managed to get in 90 PVP games in.  I remember having a few games where I had lots of kills and ~1 death. Was fun - most were not lol.  I still prefer PVE/Open Space and haven’t played PVP in 2 years (returned from a long break from the game just about 2 weeks ago).  Still get our butts kicked in PVE if the PUG isn’t good or someone makes a lame mistake and dies early - which I do occasionally, grrrr.



Thanks, i was worried devs fix something for [once](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30352-changes-in-matchmaking-for-ranks-10-15/).  :fed006:

Thanks, i was worried devs fix something for [once](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30352-changes-in-matchmaking-for-ranks-10-15/).  :fed006:

If fixing something means to make all of you here Incredible Hulks of SC Universe, I’m afraid that’s not gonna happen) Improving MM system periodicaly -Yes, we can do that.