I need to vent.

I just played beacon hunt with the worst kind of player. The team was terrible and wouldn’t stick together. The whole time there’s a hypocritical loud mouth yelling at us and threatening to report the whole team for not PTFOing to his satisfaction. I’m trying as hard as I can to get to the beacon, but it’s a bit hard to get there when you’re getting killed on the way there 3 vs 1 constantly because the rest of your team is nowhere to be found. The match ends with the guy bragging about how awesome he is meanwhile his own stats were absolutely pathetic. I was getting spawn camped by half the enemy team, but what’s his excuse? Here are a few pro tips for the mentally deficient.


  • If you see Cybermancer fighting 2 guys at once 6k away from you, stop running your mouth while dry humping a beacon that’s already been capped and help him.  
  • If you refuse to regroup with your team and help them with the spawn campers, don’t complain that you’re playing alone. It’s your fault.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings before running your mouth to make sure you have a correct assessment of the situation. I assure you me fighting the whole enemy team alone was not my idea. Had you been paying attention you might have realized my icon was running for its life from the red icons.
  • You solo capping just to get it taken away from you 5 seconds later is not helping. Go find your team and move together.
  • Insulting people does not make them listen to you. It does the opposite. I strongly considered hiding somewhere and staying there until the game ended just out of spite. If I could have team killed him I would have, repeatedly.
  • If x keeps happening with everyone you team with, x is probably your fault. This holds true for any value of x.
  • Not playing how you think people should is not a rule violation. Support has finite time and should be spending it on real problems. Most tattletales grow out of it when they turn 10 so you might want to make an effort to do that one of these days.


  • Insulting people does not make them listen to you. It does the opposite. I strongly considered hiding somewhere and staying there until the game ended just out of spite. If I could have team killed him I would have, repeatedly.

One time I was doing one mission where we have to capture beacons in the beginning (Not sure of the name) anyways one guy was writing in chat with CAPS lock on something like “capture A, B, C” I decided to go to beacon C first and see how he will react lol. He got mad and was insulting me, thinking that I am a newbie and have no idea on how to play lol, because I was using rank 5 ship, he was using rank 9. Then I replied with something just to tease him “I’ll do what I want lovely” rofl, then he said sorry I thought you’re a Ace after he saw my score in next round xD then I told him that I did what I did just to see your reaction. In the end, we have eachother in friendlist. Ahhh lol such a good way to make friends.

Man today is just one of those days. Literally EVERYTHING has been going wrong. That’s not hyperbole. I actually can’t think of one thing that’s gone right all day. I can’t kill anyone because I never get the last hit. I’ll end the game with a dozen assists and 1 kill or something. Everyone is dog piling me. I’ll make sure I go in last, but it doesn’t matter. They stop shooting the engineer and drop everything they were doing to turn around and instagib my fighter. I’ve been losing 99% of my games too. To add insult to injury it’s been giving me nothing but the 2 modes I hate most and don’t have any contracts for all day. But even that’s not bad enough. Somehow the game managed to telekinetically break one of the hinges on my headset too. I’m on the verge of putting my fist through my monitor. I had to take a break before the neighbors call the cops about me cussing at the top of my lungs.

Man just calm down, bad games can happen. You won’t always win. In that tanks game, one day I played like 13 matches. 10 loses, 3 wins. Still, was a good day. Try to do something else if you kept losing, because if you keep playing you will never focus and you will be angry. Maybe play another game, watch some videos, anything.

Man just calm down, bad games can happen. You won’t always win. In that tanks game, one day I played like 13 matches. 10 loses, 3 wins. Still, was a good day. Try to do something else if you kept losing, because if you keep playing you will never focus and you will be angry. Maybe play another game, watch some videos, anything.


Yeah I’m a lot calmer now. I’m listening to the OWL guys play a tournament on TS while I play with my settings. New PC so when I came in I could barely hear anyone.

Keep it calm. Nothing infuriates people more than seeing your calm responses to their insults

"-CAP B YOU F@#!@$% Aces! 

-u mad




-then why u mad


<InsultingMadElitist disconnected>"


Remember guys, talking trash to other people for unskilled play does not enlarge your dong. Keep it cool and say “Its ok, you will get better next time”. You will feel better and your teammates (that understand english) will feel better.

Early on, they do tend to get way too serious about Skirmish to the point of the hateful comments toward allies. We’ve got to stay calm, and assume the attitude that this is about as important as back yard games like horseshoes or touch football. Who cares who wins those, right? At this point, I don’t care one bit how bad my team mates are in pve, skirmish or spec ops. I assume they had 500 ping and carry on. Sometimes I don’t get in the best groove myself.

Early on, they do tend to get way too serious about Skirmish to the point of the hateful comments toward allies. We’ve got to stay calm, and assume the attitude that this is about as important as back yard games like horseshoes or touch football. Who cares who wins those, right? At this point, I don’t care one bit how bad my team mates are in pve, skirmish or spec ops. I assume they had 500 ping and carry on. Sometimes I don’t get in the best groove myself.


I normally don’t either. It’s just today I was already having a really bad day and that guy was trying his best to make me hate him. The two combined were more than I could handle. I’ve had a pretty good night though. Things started to turn back around after my break. I even accomplished my goal that I’ve been aiming for since I started, a 2+ K/D. I guess I have to aim for 4+ now.

Could this have been Hyperion by any chance?

Could this have been Hyperion by any chance?

It could have been anyone. Heck, on a bad day, even I get a bit mouthy.

On a side note, I was recently on the other side of this fence. I was part of a 3 man squad that went on a 20 game winning streak. While it felt awesome to be almost god-like and untouchable (each match did have another 3 man squad on the other team, btw), I did become slightly uncomfortable that we were facing the same players over and over again, effectively ruining their night.

It’s a hard thing to balance, in a game like this. One team will always lose, and sometimes that loss is catastrophic. I hate losing as much as the next guy. But I don’t want Star Conflict to suddenly start handing out participation ribbons to everyone out of fear of making them feel bad.

I don’t know what my point is exactly, I kinda started to ramble. I guess part of the problem is that many players (myself included) don’t know how to take a loss. Or a string of losses. We spend a lot of time investing in this game, and when our win ratio doesn’t improve, we get pissed and blame the game.

Perhaps it is partly the game. Goodness knows it can be improved in several areas. But will that really solve the underlying issue of what players expect? I couldn’t say.

What Rob said.


And taunts actually contribute an insane amount to more rage ingame. I see utter Aces buying taunts and sucking at the game, but hey, they can’t wait to make fun of you for 1 kill and 1000 deaths. I kinda get angry when i see complete no-names with taunts. Like, really?

And on days like that… just kill stuff, forget the objectives :smiley: