I need ideas

Not just any ideas, but ones for contests and competitions that any player could judge and monitor.

I have some steam gift packages for DLC that I already have and want to do some playerbase-wide events for them. Any ideas?

Host a custom PvP room. Be a spectator, and award for MVP, most entertaining player, etc.

That would be over too fast though. I want something where lots of people could participate.

Hide and seek in open space. Take a 700 m/s ship.

I like that. I could have a Fox Hunt! X3

First one to bring you a use-able/fly-able Hunter.

First one to bring you a use-able/fly-able Hunter.


And Spongejohn, I tried. It didn’t work. Thanks for the extra consideration though.


And Spongejohn, I tried. It didn’t work. Thanks for the extra consideration though.


Aww sorry for that.