I have low resistance and reduced damage.

I have the following problem which I will describe on the example of my Brave destroyer.
For some time I’ve had low resistance by 25 points.
The same damage dealt with Hallo 14 lvl or G’Thar’Du 13 lll is underestimated.
The problem concerns all my ships and I do not know what is caused.

On the screens below you can see how I have a set crew, modules and damage from Hallo and G’Thar’Du.

Logs from 29/05/2019.








How old is your account, there is afaik a Ace bonus for the first 3 month (or a bit more) which gives you additional resistances and damage.

I have an account since February 1 this year.
A colleague from a corporation who has an account longer, with the same setup, modules and crew setting has 25 points more on each resistance type.
And so until recently I had.
If I check the damage that I should be inflicted, then I am showing that I have reduced it


The DMG is reduced since you run 2 Horrizon Modules. Also check if you actually have the same setup as you corp mate (namely crew rank 1 and rank 3)

Without Horrizont modules, the damage is still too low.

 For comparison, a colleague’s Brave.








Let me cite the answer for you again:

On 5/30/2019 at 8:59 PM, John161 said:

How old is your account, there is afaik a Ace bonus for the first 3 month (or a bit more) which gives you additional resistances and damage.


Your shield resistances, 60/0/30, are the regular shield resistance values of the ship with the +30 implant. Your friend’s resistance values have clearly +25 bonus. Don’t compare yourself to him. With the same hull passive items I have exactly the same resistances as your ship. About damage, with similar perks I have the same damage per hit, expect my ROF is 65 instead of 60. Probably a crew implant or something because all my r8 destroyers have also 60 ROF and it increases for higher level ones. Didn’t have time to check it. Your friend’s damage is impossible to recreate on my account, it’s too high for standard account with that implant/module configuration so there’s a bonus again.


Also, it shows that your damage is being reduced because you have two horizon modules.


I know that Horizont modules lower modules.
In my corporation, only I have such statistics, and it worries me.
If there is a mechanism that, after some time, lowers the damage and statistics of ships, I would like to know about it and why it does so.
If it is standard in this game, it is not fair, in my opinion

Not a bug.

ColtNavy is a newbie, therefore he have newbie bonuses.

Aww, ex-bsgo players (lolonials) complaining about their stats ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


Cute :heart:

8 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

Not a bug.

ColtNavy is a newbie, therefore he have newbie bonuses.

Only that I have a bit of account :slight_smile:


1 hour ago, Jonagoldz said:

Aww, ex-bsgo players (lolonials) complaining about their stats ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


Cute ♡

Hehe, Jona, I saw that here you can cry too :slight_smile:

2 hours ago, MMagic308 said:

Hehe, Jona, I saw that here you can cry too ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Of course, I am a professional crylon

It is sad that some people need a forum about the game to unload their life frustrations, like you Jonah .... I have a request, do not spam here. As for the statistics of ships in the game, I do not see any information about bonuses on my account. I have not found such information in this forum. My account is older than MMagic's account, but we'll wait and see