I got some questions...

it doesn’t change the fact that almost any pve can be solo’d

it doesn’t change the fact that almost any pve can be solo’d

It may be but when they come from all of the directions and you cant do xxxx about it and get killed by a shot that deals 5000 dmg that is not a crit,even with decent kinetic resists and the Phase shield tuned on that damage,that is not normal.

ok then just blame teammates for not doing their job

-Will you ever nerf those god forsaken Turtles?!They have 700m/s speed,front huge riot shields that are indestructible and can ram and kill you and they have shotguns on a LRF,YOU THINK THAT IS BALANCED?!

My coils (and em torps, photon, halo, singularities (both), tempest, em turret, guided torp, etc) say turtles should be buffed cause atm they explode just like rabid. We need animal protection society here :stuck_out_tongue:

Being serious, any explosive/piercing form of dmg is extremately effective against those turtles. If you dont have any of them, flank those turtles from any angle but the front (fast ship? easy just get a bit far away and orbit. Slow ship? wait for a friendly targeted and engage or take cover or stay near to friendlies so they can blast them or switch agro)

not only against turtles, but this counts for destroyers and engies as well

My coils (and em torps, photon, halo, singularities (both), tempest, em turret, guided torp, etc) say turtles should be buffed cause atm they explode just like rabid. We need animal protection society here :stuck_out_tongue:

Being serious, any explosive/piercing form of dmg is extremately effective against those turtles. If you dont have any of them, flank those turtles from any angle but the front (fast ship? easy just get a bit far away and orbit. Slow ship? wait for a friendly targeted and engage or take cover or stay near to friendlies so they can blast them or switch agro)

there is still the scenario when you might not have a explosive or piercing weapon,also flanking can work but they can also shoot in all of the directions.also if you havent noticed,they have a empire engine on a Jericho ship,that is also strange.

If you still have slow ship yet no coil mortars,you cant rely on the team cause most of the times they are xxxx or they might aggro on you for no actual reason while you are in the open and you cant do anything about it…

It goes simply like fitting resistance modules to shield/hull. You play for a while and observe which type of damage hurts/annoys you most, then you go back to hangar and use that resistance’s modules.


If you are queueing for random pve, you should have an aoe weapon equipped on one of your 3 or 4 ships. You have done pve before, you know there is a chance to get a mission with turtles and you know well that turtles really maim you.


If you are queueing for specific missions where there are turtles, you must have an aoe weapon equipped on a ship.



Saying these, turtles still kill me from time to time but very rarely. Could die to any other type of enemy at those times of low focus.

Turtles are probably the easiest enemy type to kill with aoe weapons because of their straigth/non-dodging movement path and their big hitbox thanks to their shields.



Edit: Sorry for being slightly offtopic but the questions in op have already been answered.

there is still the scenario when you might not have a explosive or piercing weapon,also flanking can work but they can also shoot in all of the directions.also if you havent noticed,they have a empire engine on a Jericho ship,that is also strange.

If you still have slow ship yet no coil mortars,you cant rely on the team cause most of the times they are xxxx or they might aggro on you for no actual reason while you are in the open and you cant do anything about it…

If you flank, you should have no issues since they go down quick without their shields stopping fire. Now that you say about the engines i watched a SS from a turtle, hahah you are right xD its strange.

What i say comes from my experience and it has worked quite well for me, so i rely on taking cover and staying close from friendlies in case i need help. When i xxxx up (cause i went to the open by myself yoloing), the cases i die, i blow up extremately fast due to focus fire…but thats my fault.