I dont want to hear Anything About FRIGS

@ Error - u in a premade squad vs randoms don’t count :stuck_out_tongue: T3 or otherwise


@ Machinech - i don’t disagree that T2 frigs are getting killed for fun in general. the patch (cam) made close range fights almost unwinnable. To amateur frig pilots. Or to good pilots in a random team vs a proper squad. But question is - how much hand-holding should be given?

Ok first off this topic got a little off track I think Global was trying to say that even with the camera view changes he can still play, we just need to get use to it.


This last patch was about making interceptors into their Original role of the “Frig Killer”, which it did. It also took the frigs out of the “Kill Everything” role. So frigs need a lot more protection now.


I have a question about the screen shots they seem to be of T2 and T3 games?


One important aspect you guys are over looking is “What tiers are we talking about here?” The difference between how you play T2 and T3 ships is huge. T3’s are just more fun then T2’s IMO, you are faster and more powerful.


T2 games are more solo friendly as to where T3 games you better have someone watching your xxxx!  


When I first started playing T3 it was a challenge to say the least. A lot of the problem comes from pilots not having enough implants to form to their play style, the ships rank and synergy level. The other part of the problem is not being a team player at T3 gets you and your teammates killed.

@Kine - I totally agree about the issue of hand holding. I felt much the same about inty’s, as a good pilot was deadly. Now it appears inty’s are swarming and rightly so, as even an average pilot under the current changes  can kill everything other then another inty surprisingly easy.


My only issue, an it’s a tiny one, appears to have some felt impact. It’s the combination of interceptor buffs, camera change, an the nerfs to what was adimittedly a frig with too much power. They all combined to create what we have now. I don’t want engy frigs of godliness that we had. I would be glad to see the camera changed back to what it was. Just have to wait an see what they consider worth their time in the next patch.

Solo engineer frigates are easy to kill as spec ops interceptor. Others obviously don’t have damage to matter to engineer.


Duo engineer frigates are hard to kill as spec ops interceptor. Impossible if they’re any good as you will die before your plasma arc ends to covering fire of the other engineer as you slow down to hit with the arc.


Three and more engineer frigates are impossible to kill as spec ops interceptor. They are extremely hard to kill as a group of spec ops interceptors.


Four and more engineer frigates with at least one guard frigate support are impossible to kill (even one of them) even as group without losing most of your group in the process (screenshots attached above).


Five cannot be killed even with full all out assault of entire team provided their random fighters and interceptors occasionally take a shot or two at incoming people (screenshots attached above).


Again, these are crocodile tears. Get back into the game and start playing properly instead of playing like you’re still in godmode with all the weapons in the world that you were in 0.8.0. If you actually did play an interceptor extensively rather them FOTW style “I’ll pick what everyone says is OP” - you would know the above very well. I see a lot of “look at me, I’m playing like it’s 0.8.0 god mode” engineer pilots who jump into beacon with defenses solo, drop a nuke and die to 3-4 attackers before it blows.

Solo engineer frigates are easy to kill as spec ops interceptor. Others obviously don’t have damage to matter to engineer.


Duo engineer frigates are hard to kill as spec ops interceptor. Impossible if they’re any good as you will die before your plasma arc ends to covering fire of the other engineer as you slow down to hit with the arc.


Three and more engineer frigates are impossible to kill as spec ops interceptor. They are extremely hard to kill as a group of spec ops interceptors.


Four and more engineer frigates with at least one guard frigate support are impossible to kill (even one of them) even as group without losing most of your group in the process (screenshots attached above).


Five cannot be killed even with full all out assault of entire team provided their random fighters and interceptors occasionally take a shot or two at incoming people (screenshots attached above).


Again, these are crocodile tears. Get back into the game and start playing properly instead of playing like you’re still in godmode with all the weapons in the world that you were in 0.8.0. If you actually did play an interceptor extensively rather them FOTW style “I’ll pick what everyone says is OP” - you would know the above very well. I see a lot of “look at me, I’m playing like it’s 0.8.0 god mode” engineer pilots who jump into beacon with defenses solo, drop a nuke and die to 3-4 attackers before it blows.

If your having  trouble taking down groups of engineers with a GROUP of covert ops… well the issue, after this patch isn’t the engineer or your ship. I’m not sure who your addressing your tantrum to in the end of that -post-. I’ve played all ship classes heavily since I began, and I continue to do so in the interest of knowing all ships an their abilities. For fun an info I began well before 8.0. What I do see now is hordes of interceptors swarming all over. Some hit beacons, and well done for them, and many others swarm toward frigates for the easy kills completely failing to support their team in any fashion while they rush off in a feeding frenzy.


Just for info sake… there is NO ship currently playable that was designed to take on a large group of ships solo, so expecting to do so in an lightly armored interceptor is silliness. They were made for hit and run. Expecting to run over any obstacle in one, much less a group of them, is about as ludicrous as your example of the engineer warping to a beacon solo. I guess short sighted piloting isn’t restricted to frigs after all. I can only assume the anti frig vitriol being spewed forth here is from the perspective of a interceptor pilot prior to this patch that thought his life was just unfair and looking for a little safe online verbal revenge. Truely helpful toward achieving balance for all ships instead of simply your chosen class. That mentality ranks right up there with claiming all LRF’s are horrid because they tend to be flown by a majority of those that either can’t or won’t utilize them in a fashion beneficial to their team.


I’ve had little issue taking down 2 engineers solo in a covert ops. As for having problems dealing with groups of them while you are in a group of interceptors… maybe someone in your group should try the other two varieties of interceptor… namely the recon and ECM. One can cut their healing effects on the chosen target in half…and the other can shut down an engineer’s ability to heal at all. If 4 inty’s focused on one target that’s been debuffed to half healing received, stripped of drones, and the healing shut down on it’s friends engy frigs… you guys need to put in more time working on flying, an less on posting.

Do I need to post more screens of my results in the game, or is my in-game rating good enough not to get accused of sucking?


I don’t even have Strong or any premium ship for that matter.


I’ve had little issue taking down 2 engineers solo in a covert ops. As for having problems dealing with groups of them while you are in a group of interceptors… maybe someone in your group should try the other two varieties of interceptor… namely the recon and ECM. One can cut their healing effects on the chosen target in half…and the other can shut down an engineer’s ability to heal at all. If 4 inty’s focused on one target that’s been debuffed to half healing received, stripped of drones, and the healing shut down on it’s friends engy frigs… you guys need to put in more time working on flying, an less on posting.


This, my poor Crus S dies in about two seconds flat when the ECM and Covert Ops team up on it, despite my minefield.  So far I haven’t found any way to stop it.  The only thing I can do is hope people pick them off on the way in.  

This, my poor Crus S dies in about two seconds flat when the ECM and Covert Ops team up on it, despite my minefield.  So far I haven’t found any way to stop it.  The only thing I can do is hope people pick them off on the way in.  

Swap phase shield to thermal.

Swap phase shield to thermal.

In that frigs scenario phase shield is gonna do about jack all to save him, beyond mitigating standard missiles and plasma arc. Frankly if the poor guy is jumped without support by both a covert ops and a ECM, well that’s pretty much it, he’s done. Given enough time and enough distance from the main battle, either one of those inty’s could take him down solo. Guard frig shields are large, but not endless. Mines and a prayer that they’re stupid enough to stay in pulsar range for the duration is about the only thing that’s gonna save him, and that’s a long shot.

Inty are frigates killers by default, If you have problem with they killing your frig, just ask suport to your friends. I can keep with you all battle defending your a** if you want.

In that frigs scenario phase shield is gonna do about jack all to save him, beyond mitigating standard missiles and plasma arc. Frankly if the poor guy is jumped without support by both a covert ops and a ECM, well that’s pretty much it, he’s done. Given enough time and enough distance from the main battle, either one of those inty’s could take him down solo. Guard frig shields are large, but not endless. Mines and a prayer that they’re stupid enough to stay in pulsar range for the duration is about the only thing that’s gonna save him, and that’s a long shot.

If you die to a total of four guns in seconds on a guard frigate, you’re either doing something VERY wrong, or you’re lying about it. At the moment even mk3 plasma arc only does around 3k/tick to a guard frigate’s phase shield. After it runs out, you do next to no damage to it as it adapts phase shield to your guns and starts to play cat and mouse with damage type.


On average, unless we can catch a solo frigate somewhere, it can take between 10 and 30 seconds to kill a guard frigate with CO and EM ship combo with full blue/epic fit including epic rapid fire weaponry on T3 if that frigate knows how to play and got caught transitioning between nodes solo. Dependency is usually on whether he has nukes or mines taken, as well as having pulsar off CD and how many rockets we still have left to throw at him.

In all other cases he will be backed by engineers and effectively immortal until engineer is dead.

Inty are frigates killers by default, If you have problem with they killing your frig, just ask suport to your friends. I can keep with you all battle defending your a** if you want.

As has already been pointed out on the forums, ints are worthless against frigateS. They are good against a single frigate. That is why ESB et al currently often field quad frigate squads when the game gets tight on beacon matches.

As has already been pointed out on the forums, ints are worthless against frigateS. They are good against a single frigate. That is why ESB et al currently often field quad frigate squads when the game gets tight on beacon matches.

This too.

Gents we must be in two entirely different worlds. Again in T2 Frigs are flat out meat for the hordes of inty’s being fielded. Played all last night an today, an inty’s by far outnumbered every other ship on the field. Frigs were annihilated at any point they drew attention on both sides.


In T3 there is no questions that game play is much different for Inty’s. I have often said the ships classes are anything but balanced well across all tiers.


@AquieroX check your member website messages.

The problem is not inty being strong, the problem is the camera in frigates. Many peaplos just say " damm, this camera is horrible! i think i going play in my interceptor because your camera is better". But hear “Wow a interceptor kill me!, he is overpower! nerf it!”  from peaples no even play a inty is just incomprehensible. 


Before the patch when enginerring frigates was gods and interceptor being 2 shoted, some guys just say " use team work and speed to survive" “you are doing wrong” and other things like that, well, interceptors was so fine the devs buff he a little.


Then i will say now: use team work when using suport ships, this work for me (using frigates) can work for you.


@Machinechstop: I no even know you are a dyn member, stop send me  threats and try to prove their arguments, Like i prove the mine.

I’m starting to think it would be really useful if people started posting [T1], [T2], [T3] or [T4] at the top of a paragraph to make it clear what tier they are on about. Personally, I’m getting a little sick of people, either through misunderstanding or being flat-out xxxx, producing commentaries like the following:


“Wow Frigates are OP! I was flying my Axe and a Harpy totally screwed me! I tried switching to my Lynx and Hercules but I still got killed! How is anyone meant to kill these things?”


“Strong + nuke. Learn to play.”

All of my posts, unless specifically stated otherwise reference T3. That’s the only tier I can bear to play for a meaningful amount of time, as T2 is simply too slow in terms of speed while T4 is too slow in terms of ability to kill things.