I can't get 4 kills on my frig

I can’t get 4 kills on my frigs for the xenochips, anyone has any tip I could use? 

I played for 3 hours and all I got was 3 kills. I kinda got sh*t to do and can’t play all the time.

LRF + scatter + survival = 10 kills + Gargoyle = 20 kills.

no skills though, just kills.

Positron + crit Mauler + EM scatter + RT = 30 kills.

Crit Garg > Crit Mauler.

it gotta have max rank sh*t, I mean, ship slotted doesn’t it?

If your Elydium ship is r11 or under use that and go co-op.

5 minutes ago, Chernoplot said:

it gotta have max rank sh*t, I mean, ship slotted doesn’t it?


I don’t get why people think LRF is not “skill”. Give it to a Ace and they will die…

45 minutes ago, RennieAshII said:

I don’t get why people think LRF is not “skill”. Give it to a Ace and they will die…

Because I once did 80%+ of the team’s damage in a 12v12… leaving the other 11 players with about 2% damage each.

40x the damage of any other individual player is just kaput…

Then I stopped playing LRF, because of how broken it was. I posted the logs too, 3 years ago, still no nerf.

edit: I facetank Guards btw…

Seeing how you never play upper tiers, i agree ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) , LRF in my hands simply destroys any and every t3 match im in lol

On ‎27‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 9:48 AM, Chernoplot said:

I can’t get 4 kills on my frigs for the xenochips, anyone has any tip I could use? 

I played for 3 hours and all I got was 3 kills. I kinda got sh*t to do and can’t play all the time.

agreed, please make It possible to cancel missions


3 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Seeing how you never play upper tiers, i agree ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) , LRF in my hands simply destroys any and every t3 match im in lol

Sure I have, played LRF in T4 vs T5s, seen other T4 LRFs in the same matchups.

Have 50 screenshots of Gargoyles with 20+ kills… vs T5s…

It’s true that the 80%+ damage was in T3, and they’re even more imbalanced at the lower end.

Scatter + Drift + firing main guns is the actual ‘hack’… as you shouldn’t be able to fire main weapons when stealthed.