Hyena Build.

But then you’d have like 15% Crit Chance, is that useful at all?


A projectile increase of 100-200 m/s? I think any decent player can leave without that.

that ss was how new player should do it

This is my build for bubbles with F6


I call this troll/ret@rd build



DD to da face

that ss was how new player should do it

This is my build for bubbles with F6


And how do new player get an T3 TTC?

And how do new player get an T3 TTC?



Try this


I don’t see TTC do you?

I don’t see TTC do you?

No i cant see one the pic is so blurry


To be honest, “new pilots” should not be using bubble hyena build anyways. Very dependant on upgraded to mk3-4 verniers and both healing modules, plus ship itself gotta be close to maxed out synergy.

Even more, having such amazing passive bonus and not using target painter is simply “not smart”

No i cant see one the pic is so blurry




that ss WAS how new player should do it

This is my build for bubbles with F6



To be honest, “new pilots” should not be using bubble hyena build anyways. Very dependant on upgraded to mk3-4 verniers and both healing modules, plus ship itself gotta be close to maxed out synergy.

Even more, having such amazing passive bonus and not using target painter is simply “not smart”

but i need energy regen i’m using addaptve

i tryed it with IR+TTC+discarger+target painter and gauss it can 1-2 shot inties

OK i only read the half of the text

It’s annoying that you cant build the t3 TTC annyomore

OK i only read the half of the text

It’s annoying that you cant build the t3 TTC annyomore

meh, dont worry about ttc that much,it is only truly usefull if you have 50%+ crit chance, if not - you better off with infrareds.

meh, dont worry about ttc that much,it is only truly usefull if you have 50%+ crit chance, if not - you better off with infrareds.

i know but i really want  them on my DEagle & Kite/Eagle - B

Problem is that’s just another way to screw up balance a little more… Should be available to all players or to none.

J6 over F6???


my thoughts exactly. 


Personally, I’m with Kost, using bubbles on the Hyena isn’t going to be as good as on a parallax or bear (if you have those options). If you don’t then go for it.

I’ve always been one to use supernovas on my bubble-tacklers, as I go for the most alpha damage I can on tacklers (which is why I use gauss more than any other weapon on tacklers). 


yes with that implant and colled ammo i get more time to ahoot and more proyectile speed than speed ammo.

i forgot to put TTC instead of that IR,with TTC i have almost same crit dmg better p.speed and better heating time


the ship itself already has a time to overheat bonus, so the supercooled isn’t really necessary in that aspect (especially on this ship, as it isn’t the most tanky, so staying in a dogfight for an extended amount of time isn’t always wise).


I prefer using an IR and the F6 implant over a TTC and J6. Putting a TTC on instead of IR reduces your chances of critting, and using J6 reduces your crit damage, both of which are really nice to have. Granted, I am a user of supernova singularities on my tacklers, so I am used to the aiming and getting super close.


To do damage output math in the rough, take your DPS, and multiply by the crit chance and crit damage values (not the percentage as a decimal, just use 25 if your chance is 25%). Do this with multiple combinations of crit chance/damage and see which number comes out higher. This will give you a rough estimate as to which combo will give you the most damage overall.


This also works

This also works

I can fly a Naked Hyena and it will work, it doesn’t mean it is a good build.

that ss was how new player should do it

This is my build for bubbles with F6




This also works


One time you have 45 fps and the other time 4630, on which rig are you playing Star Conflict ?

One time you have 45 fps and the other time 4630, on which rig are you playing Star Conflict ?

on the same one  :005j:

on the same one  :005j:

dafuq, hax?

dafuq, hax?

photoshop hax :slight_smile:

I call this troll/ret@rd build


that is the best build I’ve ever seen, 11/10 Elite build super tanky fortress super OP.