how to use ships and how to NOT use ships

hello everyone and im going to be discussing how to use a ship and how NOT to use a ship.First of all if u are using a ship please please PLEASE know how to use its special module, because last night i was playing with a level 9 Guard Frigate and he was awesome but he didn’t know how to use his his special module so he died which in turn made all of us die. So if you are going to use a ship USE IT RIGHT!!! So let’s say u are a engineering frigate , don’t go in the middle of the battle because engineering frigates , hence the name , are supposed to be healing people NOT attacking. So if u want a full description of all the ships in the game there is a help button and it should give u all the ships names and all the preferred modules u should use for it. So if  want to talk with me privately i have an gmail ,



Aw man… I laughed when I first read this post, but then I realised the engie thing is a good point. Even tho you are using adaptive sets on engies you should still be with the team, because your point is to heal and support allies. Not to mention the heal gun should ALSO be used to heal teammates.

In t3 count yourself lucky if the engi on your team has its heals on, or even installed.  People should understand the roles of each ship first and fit them suitably, and then think about positioning.


Also people can PM you on the forum instead of e-mailing you.  That is probably an easier option.

In t3 any game with randoms, count yourself lucky if the engi on your team has its heals on, or even installed.  People should understand the roles of each ship first and fit them suitably, and then think about positioning.


Also people can PM you on the forum instead of e-mailing you.  That is probably an easier option.

haha i messaged this dude, turn ur heals on. so he presses them on and off. once. thnx for 100 hull and shields. 

No one told me this.


I guess I will have to stop getting 40 - 60 % of the kills in team games with my Phoenix & Styx…

Sounds really suspicious despite having "knowledge " of the game. Random name, different font, crap grammar, asking to reply via email especially when there is already other ways to contact. May as well be working on an asteroid mining facility in the middle of nowhere.

Sorry if this is a legit post :slight_smile:

renieashll this is my first time doing one of these so maybe u should be quite until u know all the details! :fed003:

He was just referring to the private discussion part. This forum already bring all the tools for it. We don’t need your mail. This was pointed by Millanbel on the 2nd response.


In t3 any game with randoms, count yourself lucky if the engi on your team has its heals on, or even installed.  People should understand the roles of each ship first and fit them suitably, and then think about positioning.


Also people can PM you on the forum instead of e-mailing you.  That is probably an easier option.



maybe hes hoping for some ladies :stuck_out_tongue: maybe… hey rennie, im lonely… coming over? :wink:

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