How to unlock VIOR System

I fly from Ellydium to Monolith Remains,but I still can’t reach VIOR

You’ll unlock it through the campaign

15 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

You’ll unlock it through the campaign

You mean if I complete the mission on first window,I can unlock VIOR?


yes ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Is it possible to visit Vior after the mission?


13 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

Is it possible to visit Vior after the mission?


Once you reach way in to the campaign it unlocks for good.


1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Once you reach way in to the campaign it unlocks for good.

Well I once’ve been on Vior system, thanks to the campaign mission, but after that It dissapeard from the map and I can’t acces it again…

8 hours ago, Watterson said:


Well I once’ve been on Vior system, thanks to the campaign mission, but after that It dissapeard from the map and I can’t acces it again…

As far as I know, when finished all campaign,you can visit,look up

Yeah. You visit it once at the start, then you lose it.

You get it back once you reach pilot rank 16.