how to start contract?

i took one from the list, but after i take, notthing happens contract is on list but when fighting cotnract is not filled. what need to do?


you need to check the required things in your contract.

Contracts only work in Arcade and Regular mode, not in shipyard defense.

they should check english chat often, or add an bot with soem anti-insult script to ban automatically people who use bad language

they should check english chat often, or add an bot with soem anti-insult script to ban automatically people who use bad language

I doubt that’ll happen.  As one of the recorded pilot voices in the game yells “DIE xxxxxxx”, bad language doesn’t seem to be something that the devs are worried about.

The voice was made to bring some fun into the fight.

There are chat moderators, but there are different times where we have noone online to check the chat.

Yeah I’m not really sure that exclamations of that kind are the best way of achieving “fun” - my kids were playing the game until I heard that yelling from the speakers…


“Die you space scum” or the like might be safer, I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to come up with words that add to the flavour of the game without being offensive.

I will ask if it will be possible to disable these messages on the options.

At the moment it is only possible to disable all pilots talks.

That’d be great, thanks :slight_smile: